Centerpiece Fish


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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i'm just curious what other peoples definition of centerpiece fish me it is the fish i look for first when i get up in the morning and when i get home from work.basically my favorite fish.but i'm sure other people have different definitions and i would love to hear the way my centerpiece fish is my chocolate gourami,i call her my little cutie pie.
I'm with orange shark for this, for me its the first fish everyone goes "ohhh look at that one"

Mine is my L018 plec since he's always out and about the front of the tank and really stands out against the black gravel
To me a centerpeice fish is the one that EVERYONE not just you notices first. The fish that makes people say, "wow, he's kinda neat."

Mine will prob be my yellow labs(when I get more) b/c I have black slate and will soon have a black background.
Hmm. It depends. The centerpiece of your tank can be different depending on who is viewing it. If someone not familiar with fishkeeping is viewing, then usually the largest/most active/most colorful fish. If a fellow aquarist is viewing then it may be whatever fish is hardest to keep or rarest, which may be different than what a non-keeper would think. For example, someone with a South American tank may have rummynose tetras and some small angels. A non-aquarist may see the angels as the centerpiece becuase they're well known, easy to ID, and often flashy looking. However to me, the centerpiece would be the rummynoses becuase as an aquarist I know they can be moderately difficult to keep, and often a bit more rare. I'd be drawn to the rummynoses more than the angels.
good reply.that's what i wanted to hear,different opinions,different points of view.
mine has to be the pair of ropefish (when they come out) as most people's response to them is "eeew, you've got snakes" :crazy:

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