Tank Top Ups

What do you top up your tank with?

  • Normal Tap Water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dechlorinated Water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please State)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What works for one may not work for another!
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
What do you top up your tank with?
I never top up my tanks, they get a water change 2x a week minimum so no need to :)
I assume this is in relation to evaporation?

If so then I do weekly water changes anyway, I take out 18-19% and replace with 20% dechlorinated water.
i used to just dump in normal tap water, never saw the need for dechlorinator.

but now all my tanks have shrimp in, and im worried about there being copper in the water. so now i dechlorinate. :lol:
I do water changes, not top ups. And with tap water and dechlor, same as (I thought) pretty much everyone.
I don't top off my fw tank. Weekly or twice weekly water changes do the job. If you are talking about sw tanks I top off with ro water.
I have to do top ups due to syphoning out pleco poo :sick:
Ok so not a lot of people top there tanks up, they just do a water change then. :cool:
makes more sense to do water changes once or twice a week. Keeps the water right and less chance of stats going off the scale.
20 to 30% weekly for me as not much time for any more.
I hit the wrong option. I actually meant dechlorinated water, not tap water.
Normal tap with a squirt of stress coat. Never had any problems with algae or fish health with this.

However in my Saltwater tank it is strictly distilled or RO water. No exceptions. Using tap will cause a nasty algae bloom.

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