Suitable Fish For A Nano Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK
hey all!!!

this is my first post in the salt water section
i have been considering nano reefs for a while and i was wondering about suitable fish for under 30 gal

so if any of you would be as kind to post info regarding suitable nano reef fish that would be cool

cheers x

A guy on made a nice guide about this. He breaks it down by tank size and difficulty. Use it to get some ideas, but not make a final decision, which will depend on more factors than just tank size.

For example, some small Hawkfish will be ok for a nano reef. But if you have crustaceans, the hawkfish will eat them. So make sure whatever fish you're leaning toward, that you do alot of research on it. Not all fish are compatible with each other or with inverts or corals, even though they may fit in a nano.

As far as my suggestions? It depends on your tank size. Clownfish (percula or ocellaris) are both good for tanks bigger than 7 gallons, are colorful, hardy, and have tons of personality. Gobies and dartfish are also often good choices. Some damsels and a few species of wrasses are ok if you have a bigger nano.
There's a ton!!!
This list has many that need 30+ gallons. Most others can do 20- aswell.

Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Clownfish-NO MAROON!!!!
Some dwarf angels-Flame,Cherub,Coral Beauty, There's a ton you can't go wrong
Yellowwatchman gobies
Yashi Haze
PJ Cardinal
Court Jester Gobies
Banggai Cardinal
Longspine Cardinal
Chromis Damsels
Regular damsels aren't the best do to aggresivness
Bottom dwelling gobies that pair with pistol shrimp
Midas Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Dartfish-Scizzortail Zebra Dartfish
Royal Gramma
Tons of other Basslets
Sailfin Blenny
Prawn Goby
Most disagree with hawkfish in small tanks as a nano but tiny ones can be succesfully kept in a nano reef.
Jawfish all
Black Cap
Pseudochromis and Dottybacks can be alright choices.
There are way to many wrasses to count but a few
Carpenter too are popular choices.

I think thats a good few but there are tons more!!!!!!!

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