What Size Tank For Pair Off Clown Fish?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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probably a commonly asked question due to Finding Nemo

I have same motivations. a way of getting a tank in the house is to get a pair of Clowns. what size tank would you marine guys suggest and what equipment would be required for an anenome to go in it

I've never kept marine but successfully keep a brackish tank at 1.021 sg with two toadfish and G Tiles morays

cheers for any advice in advance chaps
cheers for the reponses guys

I'll get a 36 x 15x15 my mate has got.

I have no grand plans at this stage simply fish only as in a apair of clowns

would an external filter, sand , heater, some living rock and normal lighting suffice

I know already how to keep a steady salinity level in a tank
If the clowns are a pair, you can keep them in a 10G nanoreef. Some people will debate this, but it's really personal preference. Other people will say 20G minimum.

And yes, forget about the anemone, at least for a year until your tank is stable and mature. Also you'll need strong MH lighting.

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