How Quick Can You Establish A 10-12 Liter Tank

Crazy fishes

Fish Addict
Jan 21, 2008
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Someone has asked me look after her Damsel fish apparently black and white. Regardless of what it is, it is not going any where near my tank. I have a fine balance and everything is working (touch wood CF reaches for head). I have a small tank 10-12 liters about-ish which I was thinking may be ok as the fish is tiny at the moment. I have substrate and water and going to borrow some of her rock a heater and pump. Sounds really professional; what bodge!! She killed all her other fish as her filter got blocked and then failed and it all doesn't make much sense?!! That aside, how quickly can I establish this tank in order to accomodate the fish, scollop and crab?? She is leaving on her honeymoon on the 21-22nd I think?? Not much time no planning and slap dash a little something together. I am aware it is probably going to be a bit cramped in their but that is life.

If the rock is cured and the fish small, immediately...
If the rock is cured and the fish small, immediately...

Nice one Ski. Just what the doctor ordered!!! Plop!!! That is the sound of fish hitting water. Curiously what if the rock is uncured?

If the rock is cured and the fish small, immediately...

Nice one Ski. Just what the doctor ordered!!! Plop!!! That is the sound of fish hitting water. Curiously what if the rock is uncured?


Anywhere from 2 weeks to a month *generally*. It all depends on the amount of dieoff of the rock. With uncured rock there is generally a large amount of dieoff from shipping and as such, it can take a couple weeks or more for the dieoff to decompose and the nitrifying bacteria colony to rebound. Your paramater testing will tell you when its ready.

I agree though, with good cured rock, you can immdiately add some life as the required bacteria colonies will be in tact. In fact, adding cured LR and then waiting a few weeks to a month as some people suggest will allow much of the bacteria colony to die off. Then when you do add a fish or CUC, you may get an ammonia spike. The reason for getting cured LR is that it's rearing and ready to do will a fully colony of bacteria. Getting cured LR and when waiting a month to add anything kinda defeats the purpose of paying 2x as much to get the cured rock IMO. If you're of the "wait a month to do anything" school of thought as many are, then save yourself alot of $$ and get uncured LR.
Cloning a saltwater tank the way you mention is very easy CF. Sometimes we aquarists look into it a little too much... I wouldn't want to start a full fledged reef this way, but a QT or temporary holding tank for a fish, sure.
Cloning a saltwater tank the way you mention is very easy CF. Sometimes we aquarists look into it a little too much... I wouldn't want to start a full fledged reef this way, but a QT or temporary holding tank for a fish, sure.

That's what I was refering to. Hope I didn't make it sound like he should go from scratch like that!!

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