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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Plants Reduce Nitrates?

    I suppose theoretically they should, yes, but of course you would probably need quite a heavily planted tank to see any noticeable difference.    You may be asking too much of your plants to reduce from 40 to 30mg/l. Also, the rate at which they use nutrients is also determined by other factors...
  2. F

    Light Fixtures

    Some other members may have a fool-proof, 100% way of treating plants without chemicals, but, I can't think of anything that would absolutely guarantee a snail free zone. The eggs can be sticky and very small.   From ebay or from your local fish store there might always be a chance of...
  3. F

    Temperature Matching Using A Hose And A Kettle

    If I may offer a more convoluted suggestion...   What if you got a 3 way connector and cut the hose to fit a second branch coming in from a pre filled container carrying the hot water and the water treatment stuff. It'll all mix inside the hose and come out into the tank de-chlorinated and a...
  4. F

    How To De-Chlorinate Water

    I'd stick to the tablets or try some Tapsafe from Interpet or Stress Coat from ATI..!
  5. F

    Light Fixtures

    That was easy!   You don't have to wait at all, no. You can get plants in there right from the beginning. They don't need to be in pots. Most people place stem based plants straight into the substrate, sand, soil or gravel. There are many different types of plants available, some of which are...
  6. F

    Plant Id Help!

    It looks a wee bit like Hottonia palustris, but, I'm not convinced that's what it is...I'll keep looking! Ah, well done flutter, it does look awfully like a terrestrial fern plant. 
  7. F

    Light Fixtures

    Most welcome. Definitely get live plants! Some of them are beautiful, they're very interesting to learn about and keep and also serve a very valuable function in the tank.    Good luck!
  8. F

    Light Fixtures

    I think it would be preferable, although, it could depend on just how deep your tank is...    I'd personally go for 2, if finance allows, so that there's a nice even balance of light across the whole tank length. That would be even more important if you have live plants as well. If you placed a...
  9. F

    Would I Be Able To Keep Ghost Shrimp?

    Some of the larger species of shrimp should be fine, Amano, Bamboo etc. Large enough ghost shrimp should be be alright, I would think.
  10. F

    Cherry Shrimp And Elephant Snails Helpppp

    It's never a guarantee but in general they should be fine. There's a chance that snails will eat slow moving shrimp, if they get the chance, but normally they'll leave each other to their own devices...except when the shrimp eat stuff off the snails from time to time!
  11. F

    Bought New Guppies Yesterday, Could They Already Be Pregnant?

    Yeah, agreed, very likely. Can't remember the statistic but it's a huge percentage of females who are pregnant when purchased. If you have 5 females look out for lots of fry! :)
  12. F

    Fungus On Pleco

    Amy, my intention wasn't to lecture you. It's difficult to gauge how much a person knows about fish keeping, cycling, fish types, etc after only a few posts. So please accept my apologies for appearing to give you a hard time. You will hap upon some very passionate people on this forum and we...
  13. F

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi, welcome to the forum, Candace!   While CPDs are gorgeous fish (I have 10) they are extremely timid and really need to be in groups of at least 6 to have any sort of chance of being settled. They like lots of hidey places, too, like the shade under plant leaves. 
  14. F

    Hang On Tank Filters

    Same response from me - some good quality sponges in place of the carts!
  15. F

    Feeding Issues

    I know what you mean...   There's probably a much better, tried and tested way of doing this, but, all I do is feed flakes (or whatever you choose) to the top dwellers and at the same time put in the sinking food. Usually by the time the greedy ones that feed from the surface have had their fill...
  16. F

    New Tank Set Up Confusion

    Don't be sorry! And no, it's not as basic as it sounds at all.   While it is possible to do a fish-in cycle (I did it and some other folks do here, too) the overwhelming majority of people would advise a fishless cycle. Excellent guides can be found...
  17. F

    Cyprichromis Leptosoma Fry Are Here

    I'd love to have some of those guys, but, I'm just not set up for proper cichlids at all. Argh...I need more tanks!   They look really nice even as youngsters...I've never had fry before... aww
  18. F

    Fungus On Pleco

    Those guys are all in a 19ltr tank? Please say you mean 19 Gallons!!!   Even your 60ltr tank isn't really ideal, I'm afraid.    You really, really need to get a larger tank or re-home pretty much all of those fish. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but, I'm genuinely surprised that fungus on...
  19. F

    Fish Quiz

    B. coccina Size = no idea Guess, bubblenester.
  20. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Technically speaking, your own body is doing that to you as an over reaction to something that it thinks is attacking it.   I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that it's actually your own doing...       This isn't the right post to quote, but I don't feel like finding the right one.   Cats...
  21. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Technically speaking, your own body is doing that to you as an over reaction to something that it thinks is attacking it.   I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that it's actually your own doing...  :)
  22. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Haha, is it really possible for a cat to be self centred? Surely only humans can be self centred!
  23. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    That may not be the cat's fault!   It might just be dust mites or dander for which the cat cannot be held accountable. You're a mean man not to like cats...I like cats and I'm a nice man.   One with 2 faces might just be pushing my love boundaries tho... Do they both sleep at the same time? 
  24. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Would we love a cat twice as much because it has 2 faces?
  25. F

    Whitish/translucent Patch - Should She Stay In Hospital Tank?

    I think it would be a gamble to put her back in then if you've ruled out stress. And if it were me, I'd probably not take the gamble until the patch has healed.
  26. F

    Whitish/translucent Patch - Should She Stay In Hospital Tank?

    Has anything else been going on in the tank out of the ordinary? Could it just be a discoloured 'stress patch'?   Sure doesn't look like columnaris. How about another week in solitary, since it's already set up, and see what happens from there?
  27. F

    How Often Do I Does Plant Fertilisers?

    If you're using ferts and CO2, no wonder your dwarf hygro is going mental, it'll soak both of those up like a sponge!!!
  28. F

    Hygrophila Polysperma

    In short, you can't, well, probably not that one anyway...   You just need to prune really, really regularly. Because of that plant's explosive growth in just about any conditions you just need to cut it back often. Certain water conditions will slow it's growth a bit but I sure wouldn't begin...
  29. F


    Take 2 eaglesaquariums 3 times a day until you feel the love!
  30. F

    Should I Euthanize My Betta?

    If it were me, and I know very little about bettas, I would try hard over the next 2-3 days to treat him.    You say he is at least pooing, so that seems positive that he might be eating, at least. See if you can get your hands on some highly nutritious food for him, perhaps with extra vitamins...
  31. F

    Help Id New Plants

    1st one could be Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaia', perhaps.  
  32. F

    Help Id New Plants

    I think the second one might be Proserpinaca paulustris 'Cuba', and it's quite a nice plant by the looks of it!
  33. F

    How To Make Rocks Safe

    OK, definitely no baking, and definitely no boiling! 
  34. F


    Hello Canada person, welcome to the forum. I'm sure there's quite a few of you guys here, so you're not alone! Plus, I'm from Scotland so we're pretty much related, hehe!   Pictures are a must on here so get clicking!
  35. F

    How To Make Rocks Safe

    Please don't bake the rocks! Some can have trapped air pockets and in an oven this air can expand breaking the rock apart with force!   Boiling's probably OK, but perhaps just pouring boiling water over them a few times is just as good. A clean with a brush and then another soak with boiling...
  36. F

    Maturing/growing Shrimp

    There'd be no way at all to guarantee the survival of all of them without completely separating them from everything, even then, it's not 100%, but at least they won't get eaten.    How about just a very small tank from PaH, one of the plastic ones to grow them and then put them into your larger...
  37. F

    Fish Quiz

    *sniff sniff*...I care!    Anyhoo, it was just sarcasm, hehe. It's a defence mechanism, sorry!
  38. F

    Fish Quiz

    What if one is unsure of the answer but wants to participate just the same? Do we have to just imagine the raised inflection in our heads and stop our fingers from typing a question mark? As a self confessed grammar nazi I'm going to find that difficult.
  39. F

    I'm New To Keeping Tropical Fish :d

    Looks like a Mickey Mouse Platy to expert, though!   Oh, sorry, and welcome to the forum!
  40. F

    " Unknown Fish Number 2"

    Could it be as simple as being a guppy...? Albeit with a straggly tail...