How Often Do I Does Plant Fertilisers?

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Apr 12, 2014
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Hey everybody! This is kind of a stupid question but how often do i does fertilisers for my plants??? The liquid ferts i mean. It says to does once a week, but what would happen if i dosed more often than that?? Say, 3 times a week?? Would anything happen?? Because my plants are really growing or making progress what so ever....
There's a range of options with fertiliser. Overall it depends on demand. Plants like stability so regular dosing is good, but a lot of manufacturers suggest weekly, partly for practicality, partly because the levels will drop at water change so need replacing.
If you're just dosing simple trace elements then weekly is fine. Splitting it up is fine but make sure that you have a dose after a water change. If you're dosing anything more complex such as macro fertilisers then regular is good.
Personally I take most of the hassle out of it and use dosing pumps, that way the tank gets a daily dose just before lights on and I don't have to get home from work on time to do it.
Im dosing easy life profito
It says that i must dose 1 ml per 10 litres weekly, so i have to dose 6 ml every week but the swords aren't progressing... The anubias are but it's the swords that are supposed to be the quick growers...
1. What happens if i double dose to enhance growth?
2. Should i add one ml every day?? I know its 1 ml too much but it cant make that much of a difference.. right?
It is trial and error. I normally dose once a week the day after waterchanges. One time I forgot, it was a disaster. :eek:
i will be dosing EI on my tanks for that i will be using this calculator and method for dosing on this website it worked hugely for me on a small nano tank i had going for a while
effectively you do a 50% water change on day 1, and add ferts for Day 1 to 5 and then have 2 rest days worked for me and for others, but again like everything people have struggled with it.
i did have a VERY good site for checking out deficiency in plants which will tell you if your dosing to little, BUT! if your plants are already doing good then you don't need to change anything and just let them thrive.
here is another site to help with deficiencies but not the one i remember having
Thanks for the replies again people. I will just stick to the once a week dosing i think... Am i right to do that?
the 2nd link you gave me ziko, well it appears that i have none of them really.. My swords have brown tips and are some of the leaves are curling at the top.... Which one is that?
Often CO2, happens when they get tall and get nearer to the light.
I weekly dose my tank, after a wc. And my plants are exploding into life...a bit too much actually, lol. Co2 is always a help if you haven't got it set up KB.
If you're using ferts and CO2, no wonder your dwarf hygro is going mental, it'll soak both of those up like a sponge!!!
I'm using ei ferts. Dose 6 days rest 1 day. On 6th day 50% WC. I also use seachem flourish. I dose this every day. Plants look green and healthy.
I have found that if you are doing extra WC you might want to does more. I does once after every WC seems to be working for my plants. 
No aquaium is the same in its needs you have to find what works for your tank. I have LOTS of fish in my 80 Gal and they help keep nitrates in the water. This is a low tech tank. 
The amount of ferts comes down to Lighting, Co2, Fish, and Water changes. 
don't forget root tabs they can help your rooted plants say happy. 

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