Should I Euthanize My Betta?

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2014
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I'm asking so that I make sure I do the right thing,
He's been lying on this side at the surface of the tank for about 5/6 days now. His gills are quite red and inflamed and his once electric blue fins are going brown.
I have no testing kit but my other fish are great so I don't suspect the water,
I feel bad for him, he shows no signs of getting better, shall I just euthanize him?
Don't know if this helps but his poo is cream and translucent.
If you go on my profile there are some posts about him with some pics, (he's got worse since then)
I would say yes do it,but it is only you that can decide on that,if i find my fish like that that is what i do to put them out of there misery,as they say you got to be cruel to be kind :)
From what I hear, when their poo is a clear color it means a bacteria infection (those are usually treatable). You should really get a testing kit. Just becasue your other fish seem fine doesn't mean you can completly rule that out as to what went wrong with your betta. If you have tried treatments and such and he hasn't gotten any better maybe you should put him out of his misery (just if it were me personally I would like to be sure that I tried EVERYTHING to save him first).
euthanasia is never easy. try your best to save him. only euth him when there is no hope left
If it were me, and I know very little about bettas, I would try hard over the next 2-3 days to treat him. 
You say he is at least pooing, so that seems positive that he might be eating, at least. See if you can get your hands on some highly nutritious food for him, perhaps with extra vitamins and maybe infused with garlic. Also get an anti bacterial treatment, I like Protozin from Waterlife, it treats a number of ailments. 
If you can separate him and keep his water in perfect condition while feeding him a better diet and treat for a bacterial infection then you never know, he might just come around. 
As above, definitely get hold of a testing kit. If you really can't take samples to your local fishy place and ask them to test it. You need to know where you are with your water conditions even if it's just to rule it out as the reason for bettas ailment, as suggested above!
Best of Luck!

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