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  1. P

    Snail Creatures

    I have these in my currently cycling tank courtesy of some plants I didn't clean off first!! Lesson learned! They've been in there for about 2 weeks now. Each time I see one I get rid of it - never squashing it but nudging it off the glass or plant with a net and letting it fall in - then off...
  2. P

    Hello Newbie Here

    Welcome. :hi: You'll find loads of useful stuff to get you on the right track here :)
  3. P

    My Fishless Cycling Readings (update)

    But isn't that the point of the cycling - when it clears ammonia and nitrites within 12 hours you have both bacterial colonies fully formed and functioning? While it's not clearing the nitrites - it means the nitrite killing colony is still growing and cannot deal with what it will need to be...
  4. P

    Got My Fish!

    Congrat's - but for the poorly Gourami - Take it back! ;)
  5. P

    Is This A True Crossocheilus Siamensis?

    Hi Davey - just an observation - but if that tank in your avatar is yours - you have a non aquatic plant in it. Forgive me if you know this - but it's one I only recently learned of. The variagated robust plant at the back is not aquatic - if it's real ;)
  6. P


    That's a rather extreme way to develop new filter media - :lol:
  7. P

    Is This A Ph Stumble? - Update

    Yes - that's right isn't it?
  8. P

    Is This A Ph Stumble? - Update

    Cheers guys. Can't do a water change tonight - will have to wait until tomorrow evening as OH is at work :( Finger's crossed it doesn't replicate your experience Phil.
  9. P

    Is This A Ph Stumble? - Update

    Been doing our fishless cycle for 16 days now using household ammonia. Cycle going steady although added mature media a week ago but no serious kick start which we'd hoped for. Readings since saturday are: Day 14 09.00 Ammonia <.25 – woo hoo!!! Nitrite – off scale  10.00 4ml Ammonia added to...
  10. P

    Fish Cycle

    If you don't want to use ammonia - why not use fish food or a piece of prawn?
  11. P

    Which Water Test Kit - For Someone Who's Colour Blind?

    If the API test is clear of ammonia it is a very clear pale yellow. There's no mistaking it. Any tinge of green and you have some ammonia present. I don't find them that easy to read but they're all rather subjective on that score. :blink:
  12. P

    New Spawn

    Wow - missed this earlier - but they both look stunning and what superb pic's. Thanks :good: Pity we're so far away, I'm sure one of those wrigglers would be a far better option than the poor things our lfs generally has in stock(although they did supply Tyson who was stunning bless) Some of...
  13. P

    Betta Swimming Not Active? Is This Normal

    But the shop will have all their tanks filtered. You can't keep him in an unfiltered/uncycled tank :no: . It will make him ill and potentially kill him :(. Sorry to be harsh, but your fish needs the proper conditions if he is to live and be happy as well as healthy. Please do read the sections...
  14. P

    Is It My Drift Wood.....

    I would. The filter should clear the water for you - but might be worth checking your water stats to make sure they're sound ;)
  15. P

    Is It My Drift Wood.....

    what's cloudy, the wood or your tank? I soaked my wood solidly for approx 36 hours then scrubbed it with a clean scrubbing brush. Haven't had any clouding, just a bit of tanning staining of the water which has been rectified through a water change ;)
  16. P

    Is It My Drift Wood.....

    Did you wash and/or soak it first? Where did it come from?
  17. P

    Betta Swimming Not Active? Is This Normal

    Ooh that sounds rather small to me, only around 9 litres, especially with no filtration and no cycling.:( More experienced members will advise though. Have a look on the new to hobby section at cycling. You're going to be in the "fish in" cycle territory I'm afraid unless you can take him back...
  18. P

    Betta Swimming Not Active? Is This Normal

    Welcome - might also be helpful to know if he has any tanks mates or is on his own? What's the size of the tank? Someone is also bound to ask for the water details if you have them, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate etc. lol Hope your boy is OK though - they are lovely characterful chappies.
  19. P

    Does Any One Know Where To Buy A White Fish Tank?

    It's easy to work out;) It's 45 litres(with 30 and 60 options) so using the forum calculator makes 9.9 imperial gallons and 11.9 US.
  20. P


    Hi - welcome :) why not tell us a bit about yourself and your fish? :)
  21. P

    Help My Betta

    Sorry to hear you lost your boy :( but please don't rush into buying another until you've got everything set up perfectly for him. Also make sure you've got some basic meds to hand just in case anything does go wrong. They won't cover all eventualities but will mean you are a little prepared...
  22. P

    Oh Dear!

    Sorry to hear about your woes and loss :( poor little ram. Hope you manage to get this sorted. Good luck.
  23. P

    Our Best Friends

    Lovely pooches :wub: Here are my mad mutts: Doing what they do best!! Jasper Buddy
  24. P

    My Water Test

    That's really interesting - thanks :good:. I bought an API kit off Ebay about a month ago. Am most displeased to find it was manufactured in August 06 so most will expire this August :/ !! OK - the rate we're going through it will have run out by then :lol: - but that's not the point :P So...
  25. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Thanks - I know we did what we could - but it's still heartbreaking to see them go. Bt we will have nonther in due course. Going to focus on getting the big tank cycled and stocked first.
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    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    I'm so sad to say that Tyson just died. :(
  27. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Agreed - so the ABs have been topped up. Finger's crossed. Thanks
  28. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    I tend to agree tbh. But I don't think he'll make it anyway. :(
  29. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Looking at the flukes symptoms - some of them seem to apply but there is no slime. His gills are not pale but they are naturally very red so would be impossible to tell if they were inflamed. They are not swollen and are moving freely. He's not swimming much at all, only to the surface for air...
  30. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    I have removed the ABs didn't want to make him worse :( This is what the sores look like. This is the worse one - but it might just be an opportune infection and not toe root cause.
  31. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Hi Wilder - not having seen velvet I don't know what it actually looks like as much as a description might say. He still manages to swim to the top to gulp for air and his breathing is slow. I have lowered his water level a bit so he doesn't have as far to go. He's not flicking or rubbing at...
  32. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    On the advice of another - I removed the antibiotic last night. Apparently we're not allowed to use it without a vet's prescription :( This morning he looks worse and it may be the AB that's done it I guess. But I'm wondering if it is actually velvet he's got. Here's some new pic's this...
  33. P

    Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

    Thanks for checking in ;) Was just coming on to say have just added it. He's no better and is just lying there on his side on the base of his tank looking very sad, but still breathing and bobbing up to the surface every now and then. Tested his water first, ammonia 0ppm and nitrite 0ppm...
  34. P

    Testing Water

    you need to buy an Ammonia testing kit ;) Many on here recommend the API Master test Kit which has Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Low and High ph. About £16 off ebay plus P & P.
  35. P

    What To Do With Plant

    You need your tank to start your cycle as you need the filter media as that's where the bacteria you're looking to grow will live. And sorry to have to tell you but it's highly unlikely to complete in two weeks. Your plants should be fine in a bucket of water. Use decholrinator then you could...
  36. P

    Air Pockets In Sand - Good Or Bad Thing?

    I've started this thread to avoid hijacking someone elses. but it stems from this where I suggested the OP on that thread removed the airpockets from their new sand substrate. So I am confused, are they good, bad or benign?
  37. P

    Cloudy Tank

    Other threads have said that they're not :blink: eg: Be grateful for views on this please. But I don't want to hijack this thread so I'll start another one ;) Ta :)
  38. P

    Cloudy Tank

    You need to give it a good stir with your hands or something to get rid of all those air pockets too. ;)