Oh Dear!


Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
ive just done a water test, and i have a reading for ammonia and nitrite!

ammonia 1

nitrite 0.25

what could have cause this??

no new fish in months, i changed one sponge about a sixth of the filter media to ceramics a month ago, now this!

what could have caused it?

i have no dechlorinator so cannot do a water change :( shall i do a WC without dechlor?
can do a small water change of 10-15% with out WC. The fish in you list would be fine with that
Yeah I agree, small water changes wont effect your media, as regards to the spikes, is there anything that could be rotting in the tank, plants for instance?
If you took the reading straight after feeding the fish then that could be it. Alternatively there is uneaten food in the tank somewhere.
Stop feeding for a couple of days and do some water changes.

If you have chlorine in the tap water it can removed by allowing the water to stand for 24hours, (less if it is aerated vigorously).
Putting the bucket of water out in the sun for a few hours will also help get rid of the chlorine.
Boiling the water and allowing it to cool down will also get rid of the chlorine.

If you have chloramine in the tap water you will need a water conditioner that breaks down chloramine. However, as mentioned above, small 10-15% water changes shouldn't cause any problems.
my ram has died :rip:


i dont know if my tap water contains chlorine, but surely the bacs will consume the ammonia side of this and leave the chlorine to gas off? in the tank

i cant get water conditioner till tommorow :( that ram meant alot to me :(
Soory your having problems, Truck.
Ammonia burns usually cause redness around the gills. I'm not sure what the red patch could be, unless he caught it whilst flicking/rubing against something.
sorry for your loos mate =(

that also is a high amount of ammonia =/!
i have no idea how it happened, did an 80% WC this morning im so damn lucky i had an inset day!!!

and im running 3 ammonia test now to rule out anomalies.

i still have no idea how this happened, anybody else experienced a freak spike or die off?
ammonia 0.25

nitrite 0

im leaving the WC for another two hours just to see if the filter is processing any ammonia still which i dont think it is...

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