Cloudy Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2009
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Hi yesterday i set up my first tank im using play sand as a substrate, it was washed very thougholy before i placed in in the tank, when it filled it it was VERY cloudy....


so i did a 80% water change to try and remove the silt

and upon refilling it was like


Ahh much better, but still cloudy, overnight the filter has made it better but still not crystal clear, the tank is 65l and im running

the tank is being cycled at the moment, could i add something to the water to clear it, or wait until it is cycled and do a series of smaller water changes?

Thank you very much, sam:)
Spanerman hello and welcome....

Are you fishless cycling and adding ammonia or other products as this can cause some initial cloudiness?

I'm no expert but i can offer an opinion.

Personally I think the cloudiness may clear up if you just let it settle for a few days and see where it is then..... if not it may be that it is a substrate prone to disturbance (water current, aeration etc) more coarse sand and until it compacts a little you may have a period of cloudiness. The finer the sand the more is will compact and less likely it is to be disturbed and hence no water cloudiness.

It is also worth noting the type of sand that you have used some of the whiter sands are more likely it is to be carbonate based which is fine for hardwater tanks but not for softwater tanks.

I'm sure someone on here will give you a more informed reply but after spending a while looking into sand substrate i plumbed for the rounded gravel option instead.

Good luck

Thanks, it was play sand, for use in sand pits.. it was cloudy before i stated the cycle, its definatly got better but still not clear...could i add some cotton wool into the filter?
i think its when you tip the water to fast
try to put your hand in the tank
(take all the water out first)
and slowly tip the water on your hand so it breaks the fall
try it
take 80% out (water)

and get a light
^that would ruin my cycle though? i placed a bowl in the tank and poured water onto that :) but i have a feeling a water change may help...

and a light is the next adition, how would i add one to a tank with a clear lid? :S
i have a picture uploading to show how its looking atm....

could i have the light on a bracket from my wall?



also, the plants with leaves you can see have black patches appearing on the leaves.....could this be the ammonia in the water? or is something else wrong?
You need to give it a good stir with your hands or something to get rid of all those air pockets too. ;)
air pockets are fine theyre actually a good thing

Other threads have said that they're not :blink:
eg: [URL=""][/URL]

Be grateful for views on this please. But I don't want to hijack this thread so I'll start another one ;)

Ta :)
i changd my tank from gravel to sand i used early learning centre play sand and mine did the exact same even after washing it just let it settle and the filter will clear it up but when it does clear make sure you clean your filter as it will be clogged with sand.
its a myth, as soon the Hydrogen Sulfide hits the oxygen in our water it is harmless to us and the fish, and will just bubble to the surface
anyone got advice on the plants? would more detailed photos be of use?
i recommend a clip on light and the water looks fine with no light but put a light on it and you see how cloudy it gets

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