Is This A True Crossocheilus Siamensis?


New Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Bristol, England
With all the debate about these guys I was wondering what I have in my tank. Are they true Crossocheilus siamensis? They were sold as them by my LFS, but I just wanted to make sure...

Sorry about the pic – my camera isn’t great and these fish don’t stay still for long!

considering the quality of the picture, it looks like a true siamese algae eater.
Hi Davey - just an observation - but if that tank in your avatar is yours - you have a non aquatic plant in it. Forgive me if you know this - but it's one I only recently learned of. The variagated robust plant at the back is not aquatic - if it's real ;)
Hi Davey - just an observation - but if that tank in your avatar is yours - you have a non aquatic plant in it. Forgive me if you know this - but it's one I only recently learned of. The variagated robust plant at the back is not aquatic - if it's real ;)

Its real - or it 'was' real - it lasted about two months when all other plants were thriving. Now I know why! :good:
agree with amerce you can tell by the black band on these fish flowing into the tail fin

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