Beautiful Betta With The Most Awful Fin Rot

Netty here she will help you as I don't know much about betta.
She will tell you if you are able to do a full water change.
Good Luck.
I've dropped Netty a PM - thanks again Wilder and Stang1 for your help with Tyson - he's still with us and swimming a bit better this morning. Finger's crossed :thumbs:
Just to let you know - he's hanging in there bless. Got an airstone in there now but it's a tad noisy so I keep popping it off to give him some respite. He ate some daphnia earlier and was looking a bit brighter but he is very up and down.

Have been in contact with Netty who has been incredibly helpful. Still very worried about him but remain optimistic and hopeful that we can get him through this, so it's now a case of watch this space.

Thanks for all the help and support. Means a lot to us and I'm sure Tyson if he had but half a clue. :wub:
I hope he is OK. I have had little guys go like that and have managed to get them round. You are doing all you can x
Pammy have you added the antibiotic to his tank.
Pammy have you added the antibiotic to his tank.

Thanks for checking in ;)

Was just coming on to say have just added it. He's no better and is just lying there on his side on the base of his tank looking very sad, but still breathing and bobbing up to the surface every now and then.

Tested his water first, ammonia 0ppm and nitrite 0ppm, nitrates 10 so OK. No need to water change. Added half an amoxicillin 250mg capsule after finding some dosage info on an American site.

Another dose in 24 hours and I guess it's just wait and see. I will keep this thread updated.
Laying to onside can be a sign of a bacterial infection.
Just hope he pulls through bless him.
Love goldifsh as I have kept them in the past.
Also if he's laying on the bottom alot, you might need to lower the level of the water for him, so he can get to the surface more easily for air.

Best of luck with him and keep us updated :good:
On the advice of another - I removed the antibiotic last night. Apparently we're not allowed to use it without a vet's prescription :(

This morning he looks worse and it may be the AB that's done it I guess. But I'm wondering if it is actually velvet he's got. Here's some new pic's this morning. He's also developed two sores overnight.



Ammonia reading is less than .25 this morning and am going to get some Amquel.

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place and not knowing what to do for the best :(
Don't remove the med it can knock fish for a while.
Plenty of people use antibiotics without a vet prescription.

Velvet will look like the fish has golden yellow spots on him, a gold dusting, or a brown golden varnish dusting on him.
Can you describe what you are seeing.
As yellow patches can also be columnaris.
Anys signs of flicking and rubbing or laboured breathing.

A good link to velvet.
Hi Wilder - not having seen velvet I don't know what it actually looks like as much as a description might say.

He still manages to swim to the top to gulp for air and his breathing is slow. I have lowered his water level a bit so he doesn't have as far to go. He's not flicking or rubbing at the mo but hemight have been in the night. He did flick a bit yesterday. It's the appearance of these open sores that are worrying me now. Feel at a total loss.
Open sores can be caused by parasites or bacterial.
Fish can flick with meds.
Also meds can knock fish for a day or two.
But also it can mean that he's to weak to cope with meds.
Have you removed the antibiotics as I would of still kept going with them.

Take a look here.

Another link

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