Got My Fish!


Dec 17, 2008
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Ok so I got my first fish today,

3 honey gouramis
1 dwarf gouramis
3 guppies

but one of the gouramis, the honey ones has a bad eye, or maybe no eye, cannot really tell, its kinda white around the edges and really small. the others are fine.
the shop is quite far away and got plans later so cant take him back, will he be ok?? I dont mind a fish with a dodgy eye but if its an infectious disease then a dont really want him lol
need a pic really, but it sounds like its going to be either a fungal or bacterial infection :crazy:
cant really get a good picture.

how do I make sure the bacteria in my filter stays ok???
cant really get a good picture.

how do I make sure the bacteria in my filter stays ok???

They should be fine. It's the spreading of the disease to the other fish I would worry about more. However it is not that likely with a fungal disease. Also, if you decide to treat it, make sure you get a medication that does not kill of the beneficial bacteria in your filter. If you are unsure what to get get, just ask on here.

ok, could it clear up on its own??? with good water conditions etc..
ok, could it clear up on its own??? with good water conditions etc..

I never heard of it doing that, but I guess it is possible. Just as long as it does not get any worse. Keep a close eye on it.

The best way to treat it is to get a separate smaller tank, and put the fish in there along with the medication. This way you would not jeopardize killing off any beneficial bacteria if you were to do it in the main tank, and you would have a lot more control over the situation as well.

no room anywere in the house to get another tank, just have to monitor it, it doesnt look horrible or anything but its not right.
what do i keep an eye on now i have the fish?

Just make sure the fish that has the eye problem, that it does not get any worse.

Also, if you see any of the other fish in the tank come down with the same symptoms, or the fish that has it get worse, you then must take action and get some kind of medication to treat it.


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