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  1. Duck1976


    They might be the same size as your Oscars at the moment, but they soon won't be. Your Oscars are going to grow a hell of a lot faster than the catfish and the chances are your gonna have to do some home surgery cutting the spines from the catfish so you can get it out of your Oscar's mouth...
  2. Duck1976

    15' X 10' X 8' Tank

    For the size of that tank, the main problem with your current design is trying to keep the glass from coming away from the concrete slab at the back due to the weight of the water. Plus the cost of the glass would be enourmous. Could you not make the entire thing from acrylic and sit it in...
  3. Duck1976

    Warehouse Shevling For Stand?

    We user the same thing in our store room at work. Ours specs at 500kg safe load per shelf bay. It is a bit overkill for tanks.
  4. Duck1976

    What Is A Ballast?

    Think it is the coil that regulates the amount of power going to the bulb, so different strength bulbs have different ballasts. Although I wouldn't quote me on that.....
  5. Duck1976

    British Aquatic Superstore

    As in BAS in Bolton? If so, yes it is. Not been in for a month or so myself, so not too sure on current stock but I've never been dissapointed.
  6. Duck1976

    Help With Hood Hinges!

    You got a picture of them we could have a look at? Suprised they didn't give any help even when they had looked at them. Seems that You Can't Do It If You B&Q it *chuckles to himself at rubbish joke*
  7. Duck1976

    Help With Hood Hinges!

    Can you not take one off so you can take it to B&Q etc... and show them exactly what you need?
  8. Duck1976

    How Do I Get Food To Sink ?

    I have a plastic clip that has a sucker to attach it to the side of the tank. You then just clip on any food you want (eg cucumber). Only cost about £1.50 from the LFS.
  9. Duck1976

    Can Someone Explain In Basic Terms What A Plywood Tank Is?

    Have a look through this and check out the youtube vids on their as well. Shows Jon extending his plywood tank. Very good reading/viewing.
  10. Duck1976

    Tank Move Imminent

    I'd go with Saz on this, However once the 180 is half full of the current 400 water, simply move the heater and the external over as well (your 400 will easily hold it's temp enough to totally fill the 180 and move fish over). Then you have a bit of time to sort out the 400.
  11. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Jon, Tank looks awesome mate! Top drawer! As for the signage, I have no idea about US zoning law,, although I wouldn't have seen a problem with a sign like that as it refers to something you like and not a place of business. Could be construed as advertising for the website though. What are...
  12. Duck1976

    1600 Gallon Ei Dosed Discus Tank

    WOW!!! Any pics of full tank with someone stood next to it so we can see the scale? Looks awesome!
  13. Duck1976

    Online Tanks?

    Few friends have used these guys as well - quick, no problems at all and pretty cheap as well.
  14. Duck1976

    Fish For Sale

    They sold you 5 shovel nose catfish!! Don't those things grow huge?!? BAD LFS!
  15. Duck1976

    576l Estuary

    Nice looking tank!
  16. Duck1976


    Bulb bought, will fit it later on tonight when I get home.
  17. Duck1976

    My Fish...some Of Them Be Round!

    The're fish Jim, but as not we know it! Fantastic pics!
  18. Duck1976

    Has Anybody Used Warehouse Aquatics

    I bought a few bits and bobs from them, air pump, airstones, background etc... Arrived 2 days after I ordered it.
  19. Duck1976


    Had one of my bulbs go last night on my standard juwel lighting bar (yes, I know they have problems - and it is the bulb, not the I bar, as the working bulb works fine in both sockets). So for the rest of the night I had the front bulb and turned on my moonlight which are situated more towards...
  20. Duck1976

    When Do You Turn The Lights On And Off

    Moonlights kick in at 1pm till 2.10pm. main lights on at 2pm - 10pm. Moonlights back on 9.50pm till 12.30am.
  21. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Top job Jon! Looks briliant mate. Can't wait to get my hands on a DVD!
  22. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Lookin good Jon, How do the underwater jets work? I take it they are gonna be covered by the substrate, if so, how stong are they gonna be? Will they move the substrate around? Nice stock list!
  23. Duck1976

    Trigon 190 & External Filter

    Most of the shops people go to seem to be more towards turn over of stock and getting a profit, there are exeptions though. BAS in bolton is v good and gives out decent advice (I have even seen them refuse to sell certain types of fish as the buyer gave tank dimensions and the sales person...
  24. Duck1976

    Is This A Good Deal

    Not the only one who didn't check the doors (well, more the turning to get it through the hallway) Minx...... Just over a foot and a half wide. Good price BAE. Which colour is it? I have beech which is pretty popular and got it for £200 from fleabay, seen the black ones going for around...
  25. Duck1976

    Trigon 190 & External Filter

    The tank is no-way big enough for 3 oscars. As already mentioned you could get away with one (just) however oscars should be kept in longer tanks with enough turning room so they can swim about, not in a corner tank unless it is flamin huge! I use an ex700 as well as a fluval 405 in mine with...
  26. Duck1976

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    Mine like dissapearing under a large rock I have in the tank. Don't worry they will settle in. They also love cucumber! I have one of the suction things on the side of the tank that has a clip on it to hold a piece of cucmber. The clowns destroy it!
  27. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Top work Jon! Glad the little lad seems to like it as well, as his dad is a flamin genius! Looks awesome mate, can't wait to see the vids! Oh aye, I'd get a DVD so long as you can post it out to the UK. Can't wait to see the vids when youtube starts to behave. Bad youtube!
  28. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Looking good Jon! So is it fill day today? Keep us posted. Got my fingers crossed mate!
  29. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Latest pic of Wilde & Oscar. Still getting along fine, although I fear that may change in a couple of months due to Oscar hitting "teenage" time. Oscar seems to be going through another growth spurt as well at the moment. Got my 50g cycling to move out the black widows (can see one in the...
  30. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Could you see where it was leaking from (deep area)? I wish I could give some quick and simple solution to help you jon, but as you are waaaay in front of me construction wise I can't. I have noticed that there is a spray on version of the pond armor which could give a thicker finish and...
  31. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    How long before you'll be ready for the next water test? What's the plan with the sump as well? You gonna pond armour that, or just line it with a pond liner sheet? Seen a few people, mainly with marine, where they split the sump and use part of it as a kind of seperate tank for breeding or...
  32. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Just noticed there's a # 28!
  33. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Jon, one word for you. "Webcam!" lol! We could even check out if your skiving! Need... Big fish tank... Fix.. Liking the vids, the time lapse thing you mentioned sounds like a good idea.
  34. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Don't like your job of having to find then cover all those pin prick holes Jon! Still looking good though! You gonna put in any substrate etc? Or just leave it with the pond armour? If you are putting in substrate, how you gonna stop it flowing over the edge into the deep part?
  35. Duck1976

    Few Pics From The Blue Planet Aquarium

    Sand shark Feeding time for the rays Stone fish (the rock near the front) Some kind of eel (not too sure) Unknown but looks cool Large tank of Clown Fish My next fish, just got find an LFS that would sell one for conservation reasons and get an olympic sized swimming pool tank...
  36. Duck1976

    Blue Planet Aquarium

    Finally got some pics up: Little sand sharky Feeding time for the rays (this was funny!) Stone fish (the one that looks like a rock at the front, this thing will kill you). Will put these and a few more on the pics board
  37. Duck1976

    Led Lights

    Hi Tez2k007, I use blue led moonlights in my tank. They are in conjunction with the main lights and are used so I can see the fish at night when the main lights go off and it also helps reduce the shock of the main lights coming on/off for the fish (they come on about 30 mins before the main...
  38. Duck1976

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    What was the problem? Or will that all be in the next installment?
  39. Duck1976

    Blue Planet Aquarium

    If I had my own kids I'd get a yearly pass!