Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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Hey guys and girls, I have a 11 inch tiger oscar with a 14 inch pleco in a 75gal tank. I really would love to get another tankmate......I recently added a 5 inch green terror and he lived up to his name and terrorized my tank. He totally disrupted the flow of my tank and made the oscar stay in a corner...long story short the terror is back at the fish store...and I am asking you oscar owners what is a nice tank mate that looks like a red devil or jack dempsey some thing in that body shape that is not too aggresive for my oscar????? From what I've read, red devils, and jack's and flowerhorns etc.... do not do well with oscars...does anyone know what would go good with these two in a 75gal????? Please help!!!
hey greggkarr some none cichlids that can go with oscars are. black knives and bichirs but realy putting naything in with oscars is a risk. for a green terror or jack dempseys you might what to try tk have them smaller than the oscar but not to much or they will just become expensive feeder fish. you could try putting a convict in there or a brown knife or even better get an eel
hey greggkarr some none cichlids that can go with oscars are. black knives and bichirs but realy putting naything in with oscars is a risk. for a green terror or jack dempseys you might what to try tk have them smaller than the oscar but not to much or they will just become expensive feeder fish. you could try putting a convict in there or a brown knife or even better get an eel
alrighty thanks for all the help guys!!!!!
well its been a while since i got the oscars and i thought id just let all you lot know theyre still doing fine together
managed to get a couple of pics to show them to you lot




nothing wrong in the 3rd pic
if you mean the tail fin then its just how the picture was taken
these were taken just before i swapped the fish into my other empty 6ft tank so i could clean my main tank out as it was grubby as you can tell by all the plec poo lol
Latest pic of Wilde & Oscar.

Still getting along fine, although I fear that may change in a couple of months due to Oscar hitting "teenage" time. Oscar seems to be going through another growth spurt as well at the moment.


Got my 50g cycling to move out the black widows (can see one in the background) and buenos airies tetra's. Should be done by next week.
sunday 11am my babies should be home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes yes yes my oscars are coming home!

no one can believe how happy i actually am!

ive missed those buggers these past few months!
:-( awwww spish im soooooo pleased for u.... i miss my babies lke mad already... but jambo n day day are still with me :D

is that 3rd fish not stunted?? (pic) just asking ;)
Oscars are ace. I'd always taken them for granted tillI got mine last year sometime. Now I keep them they are great fish and when I come to rejig my stocks these are the main fish I'm plannig the tank round

They haven'tgot names!!lol




my babies are home, yay!!!
its been a tough day but they are back.

a bit rough to look at but im sure they'll be in tip top shape again soon.

pics will follow :)
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