Search results

  1. R

    Tiger Barbs

    It's standard, but from what I hear I wonder if it would be an even trade for a long??
  2. R

    what's the quietest barb?

    You're already WAY too overstocked.
  3. R

    Tiger Barbs

    How many could I keep in a twenty gallon U.S. tank??
  4. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    how long can i keep their fry in a twenty with them,or rather how long am i supposed to keep them with their parents?? one more question, do these fish pair up, or does the male go for more than one female??
  5. R

    Oscars and Ping Pong Balls?

    what are you talking about??
  6. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    exactly how many babies are they going to 'give' me?? :-(
  7. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    SO i can keep a pair of cons and a pleco in a 20 with no prob??
  8. R

    Can Platy's breed with Mollies and Guppy's?

    the only livebearing fish that can crossbreed are a guppy to an endler and a platy to a swordtail!! I don't know why people say that guppies and mollies can crossbreed, because they CAN'T!
  9. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    I want some fish that i can feed some baby platies or guppies too every once in a while!! :drool:
  10. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    nope, just a standard
  11. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    What if i get rid of all other fish accept the pleco, then can i get a pair of conflicts. by the way, wht if i try to buy some black cons, and get two males or vice versa??
  12. R

    Most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty us

    What is the most aggressive cichlid i can keep in a twenty U.S. gallon tank??
  13. R

    20 gal

    what are rams??
  14. R

    20 gal

    what kind of new world cichlid or cichlids can i get for a twenty gallon witha 9 inch pleco in it??
  15. R

    2 Q's

    that picture you posted is definately not a molly. for sure
  16. R

    can mollies store eggs?

    they don't store the eggs, they store the sperm from the male, wich doesn't make them fat, so if you're fish is still fat after 4 months something is wrong inside her, probably dropsy or internal parasites.
  17. R

    Is it Possible to cross

    Mollies can't crossbreed with anything
  18. R


    maybe if you have a jar or something you could put the babies in there for 2 -3 days.
  19. R

    Can platys get a gravid spot?

    yes, they do
  20. R


    what if i were to add 3 guppies and 1 more platy??
  21. R


    is it ok for me to have 1 swordtail female, 1 male platy, 2 female platies, 1 black molly male, 1 female black molly, 2 cories, 1 female sword platy hybrid, and 1 pleco. The tank is a standard U.S. gallons 20 gallon, with a penquin bio wheel meant for a 50 gallon, do you think i'll be overstocked??
  22. R


    Does anyone know if i can keep one female swordtail with 1 male and one female platy?? One more question, would my tank be overstocked with 2 cories, 2 mollies, 3 platies, one swordtail, 1 sword platy hybrid, and one pleco?? it's a 20 gallon tank with a penguin filter that's meant for a 50...
  23. R

    Pregnant Male Guppy!!??

    Only young live bearers 'change sex' and it's not really changing sex, it's when a young live bearer looks like a female but is really an underdeveloped male, they never have babies and then change, and male live bearers never turn to females. It's always an underdeveloped male that hasn't grown...
  24. R

    living picture

    I wouldn't recomend putting ANY barbs in such a small depth tank.... :no:
  25. R

    Swordtail Questions

    Platies can breed with swordtails, guppy lover said that they would be half platies and half swordtails, that's not true, all the babies will be a mix of the 2, not one or the other.
  26. R

    wat fish can you crossbreed?

    Platy- Swordtail Guppy- Endler Guppy- Misquito Fish MOLLIES AND GUPPIES CAN NOT CROSSBREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOLLIES CAN NOT CROSSBREED WITH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  27. R

    Salt...conflicting Stories ?

    i put salt with my corries and pleco and it didn't affect them one bit
  28. R


    ok i miss spoke i forgot all about guppies and misquito fish, they can breed with each other, and swords and platies can too, but mollies and guppies......that's not true. :no:
  29. R


    Only swordtails and platies can crossbreed, mollies and guppies can't crossbreed with anything.
  30. R

    molly can it happen

    it can't happen to start with people!! :no:
  31. R

    cool stuff

    youheld a vintage tommy gun??? that's so coo :cool: l, i would pay just to touch it!!! :lol:
  32. R

    Black Bear Hamster

    Can it shorten their lives if kept in an aquarium??
  33. R

    cool stuff

    Hey, Inchworm Here in Georgia, we don't need permits for rifles or shotguns, but we do for pistols!! If you go to walmart and want a .300 win mag or a 12 gauge pump you have to wait 30 days to pick it up (probably because they don't want to sell the gun to someone who is going to rob a bank...
  34. R

    Black Bear Hamster

    will they bite and chew the sealent of the tank??
  35. R


    I bet no one breaks into your house lol!!! :rofl:
  36. R

    Black Bear Hamster

    So i can keep one in a ten gallon U.S., but it doesn't have to be a ten gallon long or anything like that?? Because the wal mart here has standard ten gallon tanks for ten bucks!! were do you get a top for a ten gallon anyway??
  37. R

    molly can it happen

    mollies and guppies are to different in size p.s. where did you here that from swim fan??
  38. R

    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    if you actually did research i wouldn't have to be a party pooper :grr:
  39. R

    Black Bear Hamster

    I have heard that the Black Bear Hamster is the same species as the Syrian Hamster, does anyone know if this is true?? My other question is, can i keep a Black Bear Hamster in a standard U.S. 10 gallon tank?? :dunno: