Black Bear Hamster


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I have heard that the Black Bear Hamster is the same species as the Syrian Hamster, does anyone know if this is true??

My other question is, can i keep a Black Bear Hamster in a standard U.S. 10 gallon tank?? :dunno:
yea thats plenty of room. Just put in some bedding, some toilet paper rolls, a running wheel, a water bottle, and a food dish and he will be happy!
Yes, a black bear hamster is the same as a Syrian. Pet stores like to call them black bears because they sell better. LOL And a 10 gallon aquarium should be plenty of room for one. :)
MrMashashin said:
yea thats plenty of room. Just put in some bedding, some toilet paper rolls, a running wheel, a water bottle, and a food dish and he will be happy!
and dont forget the food!!!!!!!!! :p
So i can keep one in a ten gallon U.S., but it doesn't have to be a ten gallon long or anything like that?? Because the wal mart here has standard ten gallon tanks for ten bucks!! were do you get a top for a ten gallon anyway??
I wouldn't keep any rodent in a glass aquarium because there isn't enough cirulation and it gets really smelly really fast and can cause respitory problems very easily. Also, the urine gets in the sealant and it stinks and turns yellow, it's not very much fun. they are also a pain to clean.
Yes it can.
No rodent shouldbe kept in a tank. After all, What is an aquarium for? fish. Exactly. :p
unfortunately I don't agree with keeping rodents in glass tanks either. Its much better to buy a wire cage. Besides you can find just as big wire cages which include the food dishes etc. for a little over 20 us dollars. Which is the same price as the aquarium.

10 gallon aquarium= $10.00
Screened cover= $10.00 or more.

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