Swordtail Questions


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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When I bought my female swordtails, they had no swords. Do males only have them? Also, if a platy and swordtail mate, are the fry non-breedable hybrids? Thanks ahead !

Yep only males have the swordies and yes platies and swords can breed and I suppose the fry can breed too..... deformaties lol gl
The fry from platies and swordtails wouldn't be deformed... more likely half of the swordtail and half of the platy.
Yes, it's only the male swordtails that have the swords...*yawn*
sorry... so sleepy :zz

goodnight... :zz
Platies can breed with swordtails, guppy lover said that they would be half platies and half swordtails, that's not true, all the babies will be a mix of the 2, not one or the other.
Most swordtails for sale are already sword/platy crosses. The swordtail's got most of their different colour sequences from being cross-bred with platys. So, they are not lame, they can reproduce.

Also, while male swords are the only ones that have swords, females are able to spontaneously change sex in a single-sex environment (like in Jurassic Park, but with fish instead of dinosaurs). You may see the female begin to become less round and the bottom of the tail extend into a sword.
I believe those females turning into males are more "late bloomers" than actually changing sex. I will stand corrected though if anyone has ever had a female swordtail give birth and then later become a male though.
That's possible, but I've read in several books that the females can change sex completely into males. Could be that I misunderstood, though.

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