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  1. D

    What Other Fish Would You Get?

    White cloud minnows? :)
  2. D

    Female Betta In A Community Tank

    As has been stated, it depends on the bettas, but one must consider the long colorful tails of guppies plus their need for water flow, as well as bettas dislike for currents and long flowy tails... You can risk it and try it out to see if/how long it will last, but take her out at the sign of...
  3. D

    Splendens And Veiltails...

    No, they're not the SAME thing. Veiltails are APART of Betta Splendens. Splendens envelops all of the domesticated breed tail types.
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    They were bred slowly for their tail type untill they became the halfmoon tail type today. No there was no lab involved genome splicing or anything silly like that. Just genetic mutation that was chosen for it's looks, and they tried to breed it into the bettas following that. Hope that helps.
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    No problem at all. :)
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    If it looks the same type of stuff, little amount or not, it's flexibacter and needs to be treated with anti bact meds, but to be safe, you could do anti fungal and anti bacterial together to knock it all out. Good luck.
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    does it look like this? -
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    Definitely add a bubbler. Bettas need it and they hardly use their gills as much as their lungs, so definitely the other fish need it too. Secondly, what does the fungus look like? If it's cottony strings or patches, it's columnaris and not fungus, and needs to be treated anti bacterially.
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    Wow I Cant Stop Buying Bettas!

    You mean veiltail..? Betta Splendens are all of the domesticated bettas - CTs, DTs, HMs, VTs, etc..
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    Baby Brine Shrimp

    I think it might be too small and itw ill float to the bottom and foul up your water. My bettas can barely eat Freeze dried daphnia, and it's bigger, so, I dunno.
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    Feeding Veggies

  12. D

    How Many Times A Day To You Feed Your Betta?

    Alternate pellets every other day, twice a day in small amounts, and augment with live/frozen foods in between. Skip on Sunday.
  13. D

    Sick Betta?

    The bettas will attack/kill the guppies, too.
  14. D

    Wow I Cant Stop Buying Bettas!

    Exciting, cant' wait to see. :) How are you housing him?
  15. D

    Won't Eat Anything But Fd Brine Shrimp

    This post concerned me. Betta's dont get fat bellies, they get fat all over, which can lead to extreme health problems. what you're describing is overfeeding and can really hurt your betta by leading to constipation and bloating, which could end up as SBD or other diseases. Be careful when...
  16. D

    Attitude Change

    I didn't see this before. One has to consider his 'personality' is influenced by his conditions, and his conditions may have been so bad in a petstore that it dampened his original aggressive personality, because he wasn't feeling well, and when put into new conditions, he has to adjust to his...
  17. D

    Rip Jack: What Got Him? Pictures Of Disease…

    Ick and fin rot. Definitely. Sorry you lost him. Clean out your tank extensively before putting a new one in there.
  18. D

    Betta Problem

    :nod: :nod: I agree.. Please don't get another one untill you've reviewed the causes of his condition... Are you keeping him in a cup? If so, the ammonia building up would have caused his painful injury, and it will happen again.
  19. D

    Oh My O_o

    Amazing, Elise! They're both incredibly beautiful and yes, Greenie does seem strangely boy like, now... :unsure: Long ventrils..
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    Feeding Veggies

    It is unnecessary to feed bettas' vegetables. They are carnivores. The deshelled pea is an exception to prevent constipation.
  21. D

    Female Betta

    :/... I wonder how many times you're going to ask that question and get a no, before you realize it can't be done?
  22. D

    Hello From A Newb

    I'll get some resistance to this, but add a dash of aquarium salt and make his water crystal clean. That should clear it up. If not, and you're worried, get some anti bacterial medication like Maracyn 1/2. :)
  23. D

    Better Water Without Ghost Shrimp

    It might be (I think this happened with mine) if you have a cave, the shrimp carry the food off to the cave, and hide it for safekeeping instead of eating immedaitely, and that food would spoil and mess up my water.
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    Little Girl

    :lol: Cheating on you with your fishes. Heehee. My boyfriend has boycotted me from fish, too..
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    How Much?

    AB doesn't ship to the UK - I'm sure you'll notice a lack of UK transhippers, but alot of people use a UK oriented website for bettas.. I'm not sure of the name though - I'm sure someone will pop in with a response.
  26. D

    Would This Betta Be Considered Marble?

    He's beautiful, but not the most fantastically colored betta I've ever seen, for sure.. I think the prettiest betta I ever saw would be one called 'Eclipse', but I forget where I saw it. Oh my, the colors. :drool:
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    I Can Do Piks Woohoo

    Cute little redhead! :good:
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    My point was showing that salt in small doses heals flesh wounds, but lord knows a hole in the body of something is not comparable to an open sore, or infection (and not just for humans either, saline washes are often used on animal wounds), but my way of communicating that point was not the...
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    Better Water Without Ghost Shrimp

    ? Huh? Shrimp contribute little to nothing to a bioload. You could probably keep somewhere upwards of 6 in a 1 gallon with no ill affects or much ammonia build. I know this, because I have.
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    Betta Behavior

    Add more plants, fake or real (silk, though) to keep him from seeing too much of his own face, or wrap half of his tank in those pretty liners, so that it cuts down on reflection, too. He'll stop eventually, though, either way. :)
  31. D

    Betta Problem

    I'm going to second ammonia burn.. That is an extreme case indeed. Yikes. You need to immediately change his water and add some salt or IAL or BWE to assist in healing, and give him a bit of a warmer temperature to make him comfortable.. Yikes.. Poor baby. :(
  32. D

    Hello From A Newb

    He's a very impressive veiltail. :)
  33. D

    Betta Problem

    Definitely need tank size, stats, temperature, etc. What kind of dechlorinator. 'Burned', as in black or brown, or red? It could be ammonia burn, or fin rot, but only your tank stats will tell. :)
  34. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Wait, the male's (the one you removed) fins' are gnawed, or one of the females? The problem is, I worry about your tank because you only have two females in your community, when you should have atleast 4. Two females establish a dominant/submissive relationship and the dominant one will tear and...
  35. D

    Bettas & Red Tailed Shark ?

    I answered this question in your other thread. No. Don't do it. Red tails are known for their aggressive bullying tendencies.. No, a hundred times no.
  36. D

    What Tankmates Should I Get For A Male Betta In A 10gal? ..? "Corys are shy fish and it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least six as most species seem to form shoals in the aquaria (e.g. Paxton 1997)" Very large river rocks would work, but from what I've gathered, small gravel wears at their whiskers...
  37. D

    Betta Age Question

    I have seen ALOT of almost adult fry in PetCo. PetCo is definitely an exception. I saw a girl who had to be less than 4 months old, but again, she's an exception that I believe proves the rule. They want the bettas to have their full, big tails so they can impress people in buying them. Most...
  38. D

    Betta Age Question

    bettas can live 2 -3 years. 3 are in the best possible conditions, etc. when you get a betta from a petstore, the good thing to assume is that they're already nearly a year old. People are usually able to keep a betta alive from a petstore an average of a year, to a year and a half. Sometimes 2. :)
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    You can technically breed any tail type with any other tail type, and any color with any color type. There are no restrictions to breeding (except that we discourage breeding veil tails)
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    What Tankmates Should I Get For A Male Betta In A 10gal?

    This is a problem I can vouch for. due to being low on a tank, I have a female in with two ADFs, and she eats all their froggy food! But, you can net her and take her out while you feed them, or vice versa, which helps. However, I agree, Cory cats do need filtration and water movement, not to...