Splendens And Veiltails...


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
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I've been looking at the species of Betta, but can't tell what is what between splendens and veiltails?
betta splendens are all the tail types.Vt is just the first tail type in presume and the others are just been made by breeding.
Betta splendens is actually the scientific name of all of the tail types - double tail, veiltail, crowntail, plakat, etc.
No, they're not the SAME thing. Veiltails are APART of Betta Splendens.
Splendens envelops all of the domesticated breed tail types.
Betta Splendens is the name of the species, veiltail is the ame of a phenotype of tail

Betta Splendens is the type of betta (there are more than one betta!)
Veiltails is the tail type.


Betta splendens is a species of Betta. There are others that are often referred to as the wild types(B.smaragdina, B.macrostoma, B.mahachai, B.simples, B.imbellis, B.pugnax.) Here is a link to a supplier w/ picts: BlueBettaUSA.

Betta is the family.

Synirr has bred most if not all of these. Although they are called wild type species, they are being bred for the aquarium now.

The Betta splendens' wild anscestor looks most like our Plakat (Plakad.) The Betta splendens VT is nothing like it's wild anscestor and would undoubtedly not survive in the wild. It is one of the "tail varieties" developed hundreds of years ago for the aquarium in Asia. They are not used for fighting but for show and beauty, although they have retained the pugnacious character that we love. The CT, HM, Delta,etc. been developed more recently by breeders. And now those tail types are being developed in the shorter tailed plakad for show (not fighting.)

Please correct me if I am incorrect.
Think of dogs for example. There are like hundreds of different types of dogs and they all come under DOGS however there can be different types. Like i mean there can be long haired dogs and short haired dogs. So Betta is the species and splendens is like a sub catagory.

I think thats right??
All VTs are splendens but not all splendens are VTs :p

Yeah ok, the question has already been answered a bajillion times, but I felt like saying that.
EDIT for typo
All VTs are splendens but not all splendens are VTs :p

Yeah ok, the question has already been answered a bajillion times, but I felt like saying that.
EDIT for typo

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