Little Girl


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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been a bit down last few weeks..anyway I said to hubby I wouldn't mind breeding bettas :hyper: so he said you ought to get another female hadn't you? So I did I am hoping she is a vt...but I don't intend to breed just hinted I might...he even took me to the aquatic shop :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
ive just sucessfully bred my first lot :)
go for it saves buying them lol
Liz, i think you need to write a book titled "The Gradual Process of Training Your Husband"! I would be the first to buy it!! :hyper:
I'd like to find a CT girl or two and try breeding my CTs. But my lfs only ever has VT girls and i'm short on $$$ atm to be buying fish online :(
Ya know what's odd? After all my beggin' and batting my eyelashes to get hubby to allow me more fish, I finally decided I had too many and guess who talked me into keeping some?? HE did! He even begged! "No! Please don't get rid of them! I know you love your fish and it would make me sad to see you get rid of them! At LEAST keep some!" ....very, odd. I even followed with "...but I just don't have the time I need to devote to 13 fish tanks!" and he said "..well do what you want but PLEASE don't get rid of all these guys"! We have a running joke that hes cheating on me with some of my beauties...hmmm.. :shifty:
Ya know what's odd? After all my beggin' and batting my eyelashes to get hubby to allow me more fish, I finally decided I had too many and guess who talked me into keeping some?? HE did! He even begged! "No! Please don't get rid of them! I know you love your fish and it would make me sad to see you get rid of them! At LEAST keep some!" ....very, odd. I even followed with "...but I just don't have the time I need to devote to 13 fish tanks!" and he said "..well do what you want but PLEASE don't get rid of all these guys"! We have a running joke that hes cheating on me with some of my beauties...hmmm.. :shifty:
:lol: Cheating on you with your fishes. Heehee. My boyfriend has boycotted me from fish, too..
when she has settled I will get a photo but she is a bit shy at the moment..

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