What Tankmates Should I Get For A Male Betta In A 10gal?


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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i was able to get my new boy this weekend and his new tank and everything. I was wondering what suitable tank mates i could get him. he's in a 10 gal. here's a list of all the things in his new home:

10 gal tank
"natural" colored gravel (kind of tan and brown-ish)
1 live java fern
1 live section of java moss
fake wood w/ fake plants attached
fake wood stump cave w/ fake plants

there is a heater and a filter also

he is a small bright red veil tail male betta and he currently shares his home with 2 amano shrimp and 1-2 ghost shrimp.

i would really like to put some more fish in there and maybe a few more shrimp. i was thinking about 3 panda cory cats and maybe 1 more amano shrimp and 1-5 more ghost shrimp. what do you think?

i'm am going back to the fish store tomorrow and would like to bring him back maybe some companions.

i'll post a pic soon of his house, IMO i'm quite pleased with it hehe ; p

any and all suggestions would be wonderful. thanks! :)
In situations of cory cats, it's reccomended they have atleast 6 members to a group, and your tank isn't really big enough for that. :) I also don't suggest ADFs as they are indeed still water creatures (I wouldn't dream of keeping them in a high current situation.) It's late and I'm brain dead, so that's all I can think of right now. Lol. Good luck. :)
corys would be your best bet. It a nice little group of pandas or something. That's what I did for my Betta.
Good luck w/ the shrimp in there. My beta just had a shrimp-snack; poor little shrimp was in the tank less than 24 hours. I won't be trying that again. I do have three otos in w/ my male and he tolerates them pretty well. (I wanted cories, but as an earlier poster said, a 10 gallon doesn't afford a lot of room for a proper sized group).
I would do an African dwarf frog, but generally corys work as well as i have kept both together sucessfully. Good luck.

Not to be rude...but there is a search function in the top right corner. Utilize it
But that's what the forum is for, helping people! :rolleyes:

I know, but when there are three threads of the same question on one page...it gets a little redundant lol

That's why the search function is there. I know I used it a couple times to save myself the time of posting and waiting for a response :)
I appreciate that Socalmom but the trouble is people are still unsure when it comes to their own tank. I know how ary I was when I first started keeping fish! ;)
Actually 5 Corys can do in 10 usg. Good filtration and waterchanges. The issue with this is again the differences in fish needs and people needs. Corys are a river fish that like high aeration and swift water movement; Betta are a pond/still water pool fish that like no water movement and don't care about aeration.

These things are done, but not to benefit the fish. They are done to benefit the keeper, it seems. I have done it all. I now keep my boys in 2-3 usg, w/o filter and alone with a view. It seems to work best.

ADF's work up to a point. One problem with Betta is they are piggies and grab everything that gets near them whether they are hungry or not. So the Betta either gets overfed or the ADF doesn't get enough.
I appreciate that Socalmom but the trouble is people are still unsure when it comes to their own tank. I know how ary I was when I first started keeping fish! ;)

Best answer ever :good:

Inty - goodluck on your 10 gal tank I hope you can post some pictures
Actually 5 Corys can do in 10 usg. Good filtration and waterchanges. The issue with this is again the differences in fish needs and people needs. Corys are a river fish that like high aeration and swift water movement; Betta are a pond/still water pool fish that like no water movement and don't care about aeration.

These things are done, but not to benefit the fish. They are done to benefit the keeper, it seems. I have done it all. I now keep my boys in 2-3 usg, w/o filter and alone with a view. It seems to work best.

ADF's work up to a point. One problem with Betta is they are piggies and grab everything that gets near them whether they are hungry or not. So the Betta either gets overfed or the ADF doesn't get enough.

This is a problem I can vouch for. due to being low on a tank, I have a female in with two ADFs, and she eats all their froggy food!
But, you can net her and take her out while you feed them, or vice versa, which helps.
However, I agree, Cory cats do need filtration and water movement, not to mention a sand bottom tank.
Personally, I would like to encourage everyone to keep their bettas alone, because there is almost nothing that shares their exact needs for water, heat, water movement, etc.
But that will never happen. So. If you have to, just consider what your fish need, water wise. If they're not compatible, don't do it.. But oh well. :)
Actually 5 Corys can do in 10 usg. Good filtration and waterchanges. The issue with this is again the differences in fish needs and people needs. Corys are a river fish that like high aeration and swift water movement; Betta are a pond/still water pool fish that like no water movement and don't care about aeration.

These things are done, but not to benefit the fish. They are done to benefit the keeper, it seems. I have done it all. I now keep my boys in 2-3 usg, w/o filter and alone with a view. It seems to work best.

ADF's work up to a point. One problem with Betta is they are piggies and grab everything that gets near them whether they are hungry or not. So the Betta either gets overfed or the ADF doesn't get enough.

This is a problem I can vouch for. due to being low on a tank, I have a female in with two ADFs, and she eats all their froggy food!
But, you can net her and take her out while you feed them, or vice versa, which helps.
However, I agree, Cory cats do need filtration and water movement, not to mention a sand bottom tank.
Personally, I would like to encourage everyone to keep their bettas alone, because there is almost nothing that shares their exact needs for water, heat, water movement, etc.
But that will never happen. So. If you have to, just consider what your fish need, water wise. If they're not compatible, don't do it.. But oh well. :)
nope, i will never take my frogs out of my betta tank :p I dont have a problem feeding at all, the frogs dont need to eat everyday so 2-3 times a week i drop a little flake food on the top for the betta and on the other end i drop bloodworms in. Sure the bettas eat some of them when he finds them but thats ok. There is plenty for both. The next day the betta gets peas, he usually needs em :lol:


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