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  1. Fish are AWE

    Can I Feed My Corycats Cucumber?

    They shall eat cucumber since they are natural scavengers, Blanch the cucumber in hot water for about 30-60 secs. That way it will sink and the natural liquids wont cloud the water.
  2. Fish are AWE

    Any Advice?

    Trie frozen peas and thaw them remove the shell, that kinda seems to help fish when they are stressed out.
  3. Fish are AWE

    Types Of Corys

    I recommend bronze cories because they are generally hardier than most species, if your a beginner dont get albino ones. I made the mistake of getting them when i was a begginer. R.I.P My precious albinos ;(
  4. Fish are AWE

    My 130G Tank

    WOW! How can you think that tank is small (it is for the fish) but its amazing!
  5. Fish are AWE

    Best Khuli Loach Care Sheet?

    thank you very much, ill be sure to get more of them because i only have 2..... Thank you!
  6. Fish are AWE

    Betta Breeding

    thank you for helping me but im quite experienced in breeding them (not that i have) but i know loads of info, i dont get inforusia
  7. Fish are AWE

    Moss Balls

    ohk sry about not putting... "I ABSOLUTELY HATE THEM"
  8. Fish are AWE

    Another Person - New To Bettas

    Hmm... if you still have a fish plastic bag you can use the method when introducing new fish to an aquarium, but if you dont make sure that the temp is the same one as the other.
  9. Fish are AWE

    oh wait sry i thought this was my profile

    oh wait sry i thought this was my profile
  10. Fish are AWE

    Um i didnt ask for anything.....

    Um i didnt ask for anything.....
  11. Fish are AWE

    Betta Breeding

    Hi, i need help breeding bettas i know most of it but i would really appreciate it if you guys could give me key things i need to look out for
  12. Fish are AWE

    Moss Balls

    Hi everyone, can you tell me where to get moss balls and do they need any special care? I'm trying to find one but i cant seem get my hands on any.
  13. Fish are AWE

    Betta Fish Rescue!

    Lol your storry is funny yet interesting, ive never seen black bettas (i know they exist) in Fish stores
  14. Fish are AWE

    35Litre Tank Stocking?

    Hmmm.... In your situation i would keep: 4 Cory Catfish 1 Black widow tetra and maybe 5 neon tetras Are you talking bout african dwarf frogs? If so I would only keep 2 in your tank size
  15. Fish are AWE

    Betta Fish Rescue!

    Hi. Arent you all worried about the conditions that betta fish are kept in at stores? Heres a story of my betta fish rescue It was the day that i was going to get my fighting fish, i was in the shop then a green betta fish caught my eye. He was kept in very bad conditions (like the others. But...
  16. Fish are AWE

    New Male Fighter

    Wow! Words cannot describe his beauty!
  17. Fish are AWE

    Best Khuli Loach Care Sheet?

    Hi im kinda new to khuli loaches, i would really appreciate it if you people can give me tips on khuli loaches and their care. I have all the basic needs. Thank you!
  18. Fish are AWE

    Betta Tank

    Hi. What tank size have you decided on? And if you can, can you get us a picture of your setup?
  19. Fish are AWE

    What Filter

    Sponge filters are very commonly used, the type of sponge filter i showed you will be very cheap! But its our choice, But dont use external filters as they can cause wayy tooo much currennt for your fry To attach tubing to air pumps you see a mini area that looks like a hole and put the tubing...
  20. Fish are AWE

    Like Alot Of People I'm A Newbie!

    Hi! I'm new and i was wondering some questions. I would greatly appreciate it if you answer! How do i rank up in my status? Lol that is all im sorry if i wasted your time. Thank you! Oh and i would love it if you tell me your fav fish!
  21. Fish are AWE

    What Was Your First Fish?

    Wow! great stories everyone thanks for posting!
  22. Fish are AWE

    What Was Your First Fish?

    Great to know that all you guys. And oh fishy friend2 im so sorry aout your betta fish.
  23. Fish are AWE

    Betta Tank

    Hi! Thanks for reply on my other post. UM i would go for 50 litres for something that is quite small. But i would not house chichlids in that tank, maybe some smaller fish might do well in 50 litres. for my betta i have 30l
  24. Fish are AWE

    What Filter

    Go for a sponge filter that is mainly sponge (lol) If it has tubes (that suck up things) then get some gravel and put it over it. lol im sorry ive never used them, but i kinda have some experience with them. Try making your own filter. I have instructions here. You will need: Sponge media...
  25. Fish are AWE

    Add Algae Eater To Betta Tank

    Um bristlenose do quite well in 10 gallons, because of their small size. Ive kept bristlenose catfish in a ten gal. DONT use the algae removing chemicals, they arent as efficient as those scrubby thingymabobs! Your choice though
  26. Fish are AWE

    What Was Your First Fish?

    thats awesome! thanks for the reply Nice! You must have tons of experience
  27. Fish are AWE

    How Much Sand?

    Just a tin layer of 1cm will do. You dont really need alot of sand. What fish will you be putting in there?
  28. Fish are AWE

    Problems With My Pleco...

    Extremely normal behaviour, my BN does it all the time! WHat species is he?
  29. Fish are AWE

    What Was Your First Fish?

    Hey everyone, i'm keen to know what everyones first experience with fish are. Oh and please tell me what fish it was! Thank you1
  30. Fish are AWE

    Meet Tramp!

    Great to know that you are giving him the life he deserves, most pet stores dont even recognise what stress they would be in if they were in a miniature room. :)
  31. Fish are AWE

    Best Coldwater Fish For A Beginner? Help!

    Great to know that you are going for a far bigger tank size, it would be a much better environment for the fish. um i dont think there are heaters for 7 litres?
  32. Fish are AWE

    FISH ARE AWESOME! No doubt about that.

    FISH ARE AWESOME! No doubt about that.
  33. Fish are AWE

    Best Coldwater Fish For A Beginner? Help!

    Hello! I think is great you are doing fish keeping. Um.. having coldwater fish can be areal challenge( i mean looking for species of coldwaterfish) Stay clear of goldfish as a 1st choice. Dainos wont do quite well because they need alot of room to swim in. Um a betta fish might be alright, if...
  34. Fish are AWE

    What Do Tou All Think Of My Tank?

    The Tank is great! But with the other people i think the substrate is too bright for my liking, Im more of a natural guy.
  35. Fish are AWE

    Meet Tramp!

    WOWZAS! His a stunner, he looks so elagent and peaceful. Tell me what are you feeding him? Hope you have a great time taking care of him!
  36. Fish are AWE

    Add Algae Eater To Betta Tank

    I reccomend that you put a bristlenose catfish into the tank, but just upgrade it into a ten gallon tank because that will suit the betta fish more and the bristlenose. But if you dont want to its your choice. :)
  37. Fish are AWE

    Is This An Okay Setup

    WOW! That tank is dazzling to my eyes, i love the plants your fish and tank! But the pink gravel doesnt appeal to me.. It just doesnt seem to look natural, i would use natural gravel because it MIGHT look better..(This is what i think) But its not a good setup...BUT ITS AN AWESOME setup! Better...
  38. Fish are AWE

    New Betta Experience

    Hey, Um i think your doing a great job! 20 litres is a great deal of water for bettas, your obviously taking good care. If he has finrot then using medications might not be the way to go...yet. I would recommend 25% water change every other day and feeding him AWESOME food. If there is no change...
  39. Fish are AWE

    Feeding Bettas

    As far with my experience with these fish, i would use betta pellets (make sure they have great ingredients), freeze dried foods(daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex) as a treat for Bettas. Your fighter shall love having frozen foods because they are high in taste(obviously not for us! Lol) and protein...
  40. Fish are AWE

    Another Person - New To Bettas

    Wow, That guy is amazing! I love his red and blue colour that blends in with him. Um the only thing that i might disagree with you is that the tank is kind of too small for him. So i would recommend at least a 10 litre aquarium. I hope you have the best time with him!