What Was Your First Fish?

4 gold fishes from a fair (kept fish before but just in a pond as a kid)
4 gold fishes from a fair (kept fish before but just in a pond as a kid)

I recall Mum getting guppys from a local school fair and bringing them home in a jar. I can remember watching them in there. She tells me that I killed a few of them by pouring fishfood in there but I don't recall doing that. I would have been 4 or 5. :unsure: sorry, little fishies :-(
When I turned 8 I got 3 fantail goldfish in a 15L tank, I did my weekly water changes, and fed them small amounts, but one month in they started dying :(.

Needless to say, I had been given bad advice at an LFS, and the books I had were terrible.
My first was a betta for my 4th b day I've kept one ever since my current one ia alpha betta
I won a goldfish at the fair when I was little too. Poor fair fish have no chance.
My parents have 3 ponds in their garden. We had fantails and orfe in one, and koi and ghost koi in another. The third was left for frogs. This was when I was a teenager. I'm now 40, and the koi are still going strong.

First experience of tropical was with 3 zebra danio and 3 platies.
I have seen pictures of myself in a baby bouncer infront of my parents fish tank with some large Angel Fish in it, later at another house we had some huge goldfish and my household green tree frogs ( they had free range of the house, this of course was prior to the modern pesticide/ spray it mentality of some people) and the frogs used to go for a nightly swim in the tank with the goldfish.

Techniqually my first fish was a very mixed (I was all of 9 or 10) tropcial tank with basically any species/ type of fish that cought my young eye and what I could afford to buy with my own limited pocket money (only get $2 a week was a curse, and the nearest petshop a 2hr at 100Km/hr drive away).

Later I had goldfish of my own, only because the house we moved to had a pond and the mozzies had to be kept in check somehow, I later added platties, sward tails and a Siamese fighter to this pond, I have since always kept at least 1 male fighter.

Since moving a few times I have manged to keep a group of goldfish that have traveled with me, and a few years ago I got back in to fish in a big way when my husband got a small tank and a couple of guppies. Since then the guppies have done what they do best and now comand 4 tanks just for them, then I have my beloved cory's and Borneos and of course my male fighter (and now two females) as well as an expanding shrimp collection. Aquatics I can safely say is an addiction you get when young and as you grow it comes back with a vengence :lol: .
My first fish was either 2 platys or some kind of cichlid (we call them LuoHans here) when I was under 10 years old. I really loved them a lot and fish back then were so cheap! Less than 50p for the cichlid :lol:
My parents had fish when i was around 6 years old but i never remember having anything to do with them.

So i suppose my first fish was in March this year and it was 3 Mollies :)

My first fish was either 2 platys or some kind of cichlid (we call them LuoHans here) when I was under 10 years old. I really loved them a lot and fish back then were so cheap! Less than 50p for the cichlid :lol:

From what I've read LuoHans are flowerhorns, awesome! Wish they were still 50p now, amazing fish.

Mine was goldfish in a bowl, like everyone else. My grandad had a community tank with a lovely selection of angels, mollies, rainbow sharks and neons, which he cleaned by dumping them all into a big beer brewing bucket and scrubbing the whole thing with bleach and hot water :crazy:

First real tropical fish of my own was zebra danios in a 60l bowfront, sorry about that little guys!
My first tropicals we're relatively recently and they were black widow tetras. But I do remember going to an LFS with my grandad when I was little and pestering him for some neon tetras and I remember standing there for about an hour with a look on my face like this :hyper:

That's when I started to want tropical fish...it only took me 15 more years to convince my parents :p
just think how many of us got into the hobbie from fairs... thank god for them the fish business would be crap without them ?;p
My first fish was a goldfish won at a fair. Kept in the standard one gallon bowl. Had him for more than 10 years, then liberated him into a pond. First aquarium at age 8, first fish I remember as Zebra Danio.

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