My 130G Tank

Ey davo hit nail on the head, your channa is a sub tropical species, it will not do well being kept in tropical conditions, its not the worry it will attack your stock, far from it, i feel it will be scared wittless in this set up, as stunning as the tank looks, the tank mates are to boisterous for this type of channa, That would be one of the main reasons you found him making a bid for freedom, with the cloudy eye you should really try to keep this species seperate from main tank in a cold environment, well planted, not to much suface movement, find some others of same species and have a "speices tank"

As for you Jaguar cichlid, i managed quite well keeping Brutis<male jag> from 1.5inche in a 5/2/2 with two oscars, sev and bala's....After 2 years, he snapped one day, taking on everything in the tank, from that day would never accept another tank mate, even now in a 350us my friend has trouble keeping him in line, :lol:

Just a friendly word of warning, otherwise beautiful fish mate,
Really nice, pics fish and tank :good:.

I'd be worried about the snake head getting a cory stuck in its throat well before the temp kills it, seen it happen quite a few times with other larger fish.
I'm thinking of housing the snakehead in a different tank at around 18-20 degrees. It was an impulse buy and I'll admit that I didn't do my research, however, the guy at the LFS has been breeding them in 24 degrees water and said it would be fine in my tank at 26 degrees?......

The tank is 80" (L) x 22" (W) x 17" (H). My new tank will be 84x30x30 and will only house my big cichlids and plecs.

The Jag, aptly named 'Jag' is showing great characteristics already. It's not far off being hand fed already!
Just a little tease for you...My old boy :/
WOW! How can you think that tank is small (it is for the fish) but its amazing!
Lovely fish Nelly! How big was he?! Mine's still far too young to sex, but I think it's a boy... I'll continue to post pics of Jag so all can see his/her development...

Here's a comparison between my Sevs, what a difference in 10 months!

Dec 2010


Oct 2011

Around 16inchs, but turned into one evil swine, :lol: killed a vieja bifa, green terror and beat the living day lights out of both the oscars, many will remember the pictures i posted of the beaten oscars, we all thought they had it, but they pulled through, he is still going strong, living with some massive asain Arowana's and wolf fish, however still has a go with them too..
If in the future you could upgrade to 300g plus, do it, or other route get a 180g up just for the jag, if it goes nuttz
I'm wanting just one large tank (300g+) for my new house, but if needs must, I'll get 2 smaller tanks, around 180g each.

Fingers crossed the Jag will be well behaved!...

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