What Filter


New Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me with an answer to this, I've got a tank with 5 white cloud minnows and some cherry shrimp in it at the moment Im using a marina i25 filter that hangs on the side of the tank but im thinking of getting a sponge filter as the shrimp keep getting sucked into the filter ( i have fixed this for now with tights and an elastic band) but now my white clouds have spawned and Im worried that the hatchlings/ fry will be sucked into the filer. Ive got the spawn isolated in the tank in a plastic container. I need to know what sort of sponge filter to get and how they work as i dont think a power filter is working with my setup. its a 23ltr tank btw
Go for a sponge filter that is mainly sponge (lol) If it has tubes (that suck up things) then get some gravel and put it over it. lol im sorry ive never used them, but i kinda have some experience with them. Try making your own filter. I have instructions here.

You will need:
Sponge media (dont use filter wool)
Airline tubing
PLastic control valve (in out valve)
Air Pump

1. Get the airline tubing and cut 10 cm of it.
2. put the 10cm bit in the air pump then stick the in out valve into it.
3. Get the remaining tubing and stick it in the in out valve.
4. Get sponge and using the scissor stab it in into the middle.
5. Put the end of the airline into the sponge.
6. Put it in water and place gravel on top of it.
7. Turn it on.

Now that might work, but using the plastic control valave minimize the effect of the airflor so your fry arent stuck into it.

WARNING!: To see that it is working debree (waste) will catch onto the spnge media.

For the fry food use micro pellets, Brine shrimp, and microworms as a start off. The pellets can only be use in 4 weeks. DONT use liquid fry food as it can KILL your fry. Remove the mom and dad.

Hope this helps!
Just get one of these, i have one in my shrimp tank never lose any shrip and they feed of it.


you will also need a and air pump and hose which can be got off ebay for £5 bargin
cheers:) ive actually got an air pump and some hose im just torn between a sponge filter and an external( ive seen an overhanging one for a tenner that has a prefilter sponge on the intake pipe) as ive got the minnows in there too im not sure if a sponge filter would be enough ? also i dont get how attatching an airpump to a sponge filters the water :S maybe im just being dumb but wouldnt that just be like a spongy airstone?
Air sponges are as good then many externals for bio filtering, they are very underated. People use them in 300L discus tanks so a few minnows is no problem for it.

Sponge filters work by aquarium water being drawn thru the porous sponge where debris is trapped mechanically, and aerobic bacteria remove nitrogenous wastes such as ammonia and nitrites. Water is moved thru the sponge media via a lift caused by air bubbles form an air pump attached to the filter via air line tubing or by a power head attached to the top of the lift tube.
Sponge filters are very commonly used, the type of sponge filter i showed you will be very cheap! But its our choice, But dont use external filters as they can cause wayy tooo much currennt for your fry

To attach tubing to air pumps you see a mini area that looks like a hole and put the tubing in there

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