New Male Fighter


Hope you get one soon for your Birthday, theyre lovely fish and you seem like a good pet owner :good:

@ Lilyrose

Thanks! General Consensus agrees its a Black Copper Rosetail Betta, he made a big bubble nest in the corner too. Here's a short video, pretty bad quality, but it will do :lol: Cheers!

tHANks. Malawi Mad said it wont be a good idea if I let him babysit him cuz I might come home to an empty tank :lol:

I love his blue rays on his dorsal fin, it has black lines across the rays and it looks like a spiderweb when he flares. Its hard to see it on the video tho.

Hope you get one soon for your Birthday, theyre lovely fish and you seem like a good pet owner :good:
thanks for the compliment, but I won't be getting anymore soon, or at least until I clear my 14 gallon out when my uncle gives me his 55 gallon all the fish that were In the 14 gallon are going to go into the 55 and then I will split the 14 gallon 3 ways and maybe get a couple more bettas. That's just my plan I hope it will actually happen.
He is a very stunning little fish...where do you live.... If hes gone one morning it wasn't me, honest :shifty:
I'm loving the betta in your profile pic :D

Thank you, he was a lovely little fish and a very good daddy :)
I thought about trying to a breed some bettas (just once, cause I prefer to know where my fish come from) but right now the lack of space is a challenge. But in the meantime, while looking into the necessary equipment, I can do tons of research to make sure it is done right.
He is a very stunning little fish...where do you live.... If hes gone one morning it wasn't me, honest :shifty:
I'm loving the betta in your profile pic :D

Thank you, he was a lovely little fish and a very good daddy :)
I thought about trying to a breed some bettas (just once, cause I prefer to know where my fish come from) but right now the lack of space is a challenge. But in the meantime, while looking into the necessary equipment, I can do tons of research to make sure it is done right.

Thats a great idea, you can never know too much about it :good:
He is a very stunning little fish...where do you live.... If hes gone one morning it wasn't me, honest :shifty:

Canada...I hope I live far enough... :lol: Thanks, he;s a lovely little fella, Nice CT on ur avatar as well!
Wow! Words cannot describe his beauty!

Thanks very much mate, he's a very lovely fish. He has quite a personality, not very picky on food, and not shy even on first day in tank. He has the 5gallon to himself, he seems happy, 1/3 of my tank have a bubble nest.

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