Best Khuli Loach Care Sheet?

Fish are AWE

Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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Hi im kinda new to khuli loaches, i would really appreciate it if you people can give me tips on khuli loaches and their care. I have all the basic needs. Thank you!
The best tip I can give you is to look at many resources and use your brain to decide which ones are good and which ones are not: there is no such thing as one good care sheet.

Some more practical advice would be to keep at least 10 and never less than 6 because they are social fish and shy. They will benefit from sand as they'll play in it. Make sure that there are lots of hiding places and some parts of the tank are dark (maybe by having plants hanging over them?).
thank you very much, ill be sure to get more of them because i only have 2..... Thank you!
…and the other big tip is research *before* buying :good:
I have 4 in my tank, but its only a ten gallon and the tank has 10 inches of fish. should i still get more
Even though khuli's are often great escape artists (either accidenially or on purpose) I have had a group of about 6 striped and 2 or 3 brown/ black (never sure of exact numbers as they only really come out in the dark and I only get to count them properly when my tank has a major overhaul), these ones are thriving in a tank with guppies, bristle nose catfish, sparkling gouramis, 1 lizard fish and now some recently added cherry shrimp. My tank doesn't have a lid and after a good two years of them residing in the tank I have not had any surcides or accidental leap outs. But then mine have quite a lot of live plants and some timber they can burrow under as well as other pipes and things they like to hide in or under.

They are great loaches and apart from being near impossible to catch, are never a bother, they really do like being in a group and I think the group situation might be another reason mine are so happy to remain in thier tank.
I don't know why this is in a catfish section. I'll move it to Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids. :)
I have 4 in my tank, but its only a ten gallon and the tank has 10 inches of fish. should i still get more
Ignoring that the length per volume stocking guidelines are a poor way to stock… khuli loaches grow to 4 inches, so 4*4" means you have 16" of fish in the tank, not 10", with just the loaches.

I think khuli loaches should be kept in larger tanks, so I can not recommend that you get more for your tank. My advice is upgrade to a longer tank (for example, a 36"*12"*12") and then increase the number of loaches to at least 10.

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