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  1. K

    New Plakat!

    Pictures PLease!!!!!!! I love Plakats!! IM getting one soon... I have an empty fishbowl waiting for one right now, but my schedule is too tight due to being a nerd in HS. :hey:
  2. K

    Getting him a Friend?

    LoL "dont get your panties in a bunch"... Seriously it is hard to detect Sarcasm online, so be nice everyone! You could do something like a [/sarcasm] for all your H4x0rz out there who wants to pwn some n00bs... but this is more for like immature kids like me. :whistle:
  3. K


    Java Fern and bettas are best friends!! Very low light! It can tolerate low Ph if you are using Indian Almond Leaves. Heres a two betta bowls that I have been growing Java fern for a month now.
  4. K

    Imbellis, Splendens, Smaragdina...

    yeah I bet they are rare, but my LFS has imports their bettas from thailand, and the whole place itself is run by thai people. :hey: lol... I know about betta tail types. I just wanted to know the difference between a Plakat and an Imbellis, not a plakat and a crowntail. :rolleyes: Thanks...
  5. K

    Imbellis, Splendens, Smaragdina...

    I been looking at pictures around the net at different types of betta. To me (a noob) A Plakat Slendens, and imbellis, and a smaragdina look very similiar to me... Can any body tell me the difference, maybe with pictures of possible. Im thinking of purchasing a Plakat from my LFS but the...
  6. K

    Betta Lifespan?

    Yeah, If you feed it a proper diet, use the proper medication, proper housing/location... etc, There is no reason that your betta should live for 3-5 years.
  7. K

    Thin pics.......

    Nice! How thin is it exactly?
  8. K

    My Goldfish Pond Gallery

    The funny thing is that I live in the middle of the city, and the egrets still come... I have no trouble with racoons or cats so far *cross fingers* Of the 3 years i had this pond, I only had 1 egret experience though. EDIT: thanks again for you compliments :thumbs:
  9. K

    Goldfish troubles

    dude give the guy a break... he already stated that he is going to get a bigger tank. He just needs some advice his fish, im sure he's not some kind of fish torturer considering he is seeking advice on his fish in a fish forum.
  10. K

    The Heron/Egret Decoy

    Spring is arriving and that spells good news and bad news for my pond. Last summer I lost a great deal of fish (and money) due to a white bird (egret?). This spring I am planning to buy this heron "decoy" that everybody is raving about. I have heard a lot of good things about it and a lot...
  11. K

    My Goldfish Pond Gallery

    UNWANTED... like EGRETS who ate some of my koi last summer :angry: . Those egrets make me think twice before buying more expensive fish. Right now im keeping liberated feeder goldfish to in my pond, and hopefully in the summer I will create a "roof" sorta over the pond so I could start...
  12. K

    My Goldfish Pond Gallery

    Naw not yet, im looking foward to a pair of butterfly koi and a kohaku this summer. BTW thanks for all the compliments.
  13. K

    bkk's "best of jatujak" pic's

    Man I wanna go to my LFS and buy a plakat now... but my dad wont let me. :(
  14. K

    My Goldfish Pond Gallery

    Welcome to my backyard. Heres another Shot with the Orchids. Here are some of the goldfish I have. Here are some fish swimming around the bubbler. Here are my lilies... they are not inseason yet so they are discolored. Here are some shots of the waterfall. Here is my filter...
  15. K

    No....not hole-in-the-head....crap
  16. K

    Avatar words

    Does anybody know how to change the words on top of your avatar? I have seen a lot of custom ones but i can't find the option for it.
  17. K

    do Bettas Like Cucumber?

    try pellets formulated for bettas, and freeze dried bloodworms. They are easy and clean to feed. Also try live foods when you can. Your betta will love you for getting rid of those yucky flakes. Also, feed cucumber only to improve digestion, but dont feed too often because bettas are carnivores.
  18. K

    Very CUTE video

    LOL, The music is so catchy. Its a very sad story though, but im happy that he got to avoid the culling. :clap:
  19. K


    Actually... This is a visual illusion. From the outside it seems to be reflecting the betta. But from the betta's point of view it is clear. You can see the betta's actual veiw if you look through the opposite side of the panel that seem's to be reflected. It turns out to be clear. Notice...
  20. K


    I would suggest to turn it off at night to simulate day/night cycles. Also this saves electricity and keeps the green A-word from blooming. :crazy:
  21. K

    I've got a betta question.....

    I would go 6 in a heavily plant tank with a lot of hidey holes. Just keep a watchful eye on the girls.
  22. K

    My New Betta

    Nice betta! Although if you tank is smaller than a 5 gallon, an airpump would not be a good idea, beacause they can breathe air from their labarinths, and the like calm water.
  23. K


    You ever think of putting more fish into that 7 gallon? I mean all that money for a female betta... :whistle:
  24. K

    Help with female/male

    IF there is white, then your bettas a girl. It pops out when its barred and ready to spawn like Sorrel's betta.
  25. K

    How do you cull?

    what ever you do... dont flush em.
  26. K

    betta urine?

    lol yeah, I thought he was bleeding at first.
  27. K

    betta urine?

    Last night before going to sleep, I gave my CT a good flaring session after his water change. This time though, when he was flaring he ecreted 1-2 drops of some yellowish/brown liquid from the front part of his body (Most likely is anus) that quickly dissapated. Is this Betta urine? or is it...
  28. K

    quick question

    3/4 gallon... Water change every 4 days.
  29. K

    male betta

    THe answer is... You shouldn't put anything with him. Hes not sad because hes lonely. If you absotively want a tank mate in your 1g... Put a snail in thats bigger than his head so it won't end up as lunch. You could try ghost shrimp too (larger the better). Ghost Shrimp will try to escape so...
  30. K

    Bettas with bamboo?

    Why would Bamboo foul the water? Woudldn't it suck some nutrients therefore making the water somewhat better? You can use a bamboo if the leaves are not submerged. Bamboos are semi-aquatic. Just dotn stick your betta in a small vase type thingie, and dont cover the top with some pebbles. My...
  31. K

    What fish get along well with bettas?

    How about we take that idea (first part atleast) and put it in a sticky so it wont die out?
  32. K

    What fish get along well with bettas?

    I think Somone should make a stick on this topic since its asked too much.
  33. K

    Indian almond leaf

    Lol I just got home from buying some Indian Almond Leaves. 4 leaves for a dollar. :whistle:
  34. K


    A photography tip: Take the pictures farther away from the betta so it can be focused correctly. Then when you edit it the picture, crop your desired picture and resize it. Also, another strategy I learned from this forum is to take TONS of pictures so you can pick the best. I don't know...
  35. K

    Started using my Almond Leaf T-bags :)

    Happy to hear about the news! I have been using Indian Almond for awhile and its been a blessing. I personally like to use the leaf over the bag because my bettas like to build there nests under the leaf (like the one in my info). I use about 1/4 of a leaf per gallon for treatment and 1/8 of...
  36. K

    Good start with new betta

    Congratulations! may your betta live a long life :flex: . Im not quite sure what the phrased "I'm chuffed to bits" means though. :rolleyes:
  37. K

    New videos of my tanks

    Lol thats a lot of food you are giving your betta.
  38. K


    I think spilk's avatar explains this best.
  39. K

    Two Kinds of CTs?

    Ah, thanks guys... you learn somthing new everyday. :clap:
  40. K

    Two Kinds of CTs?

    Is there a difference in a "combtail" or a "crowntail"? I notice there are three "kinds" of "cts." Theres this type of CT where there are single extended rays And heres my CT where there are like groups of rays. EDIT: heres another "CT" Is one of this a combtail and one of this a...