How do you cull?


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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Might have to do this in a bit. Wanted to ask for advice on humane methods of culling fish. Betta's in particular.

A bit OT, but I also have 48 Flowerhorn to be culled soon :sad: Picked the best looking five, and the rest have to go :sad:
BettasRFriends said:
From what i heard for bettas is olive oil....theres alot of method but most of the ones from nyte's link scares the beep out of me. Bashing them? Decapitating? Shivers
I've never heard olive oil...are you thinking clove oil -_-
decapitation is bad, the nervous system can still function so they can still feel pain afterwards :blink:
I'm think you yes Sorrell lol. Unless they were plannin on saute'ing them later ...I knwo that's nto funny (I'm a littel wobbly right now though everythign is slightly humrous).

I have used Ambesol when I coudln't find Clove's pretty much the same thing.
clove oil for me

Just add it very slowly and they will slowly fall asleep. I then leave them in the tub for at least an hour to be sure they won't wake up (sometimes overnight) :-(
Depends if the fish is growing and eating just a deformed fish, as in nature he would NOT make it to that stage as he would have been eaten by now, so you put that fish in that position that he has survived, find a loving home for him/her but if its illness or they will not make it as in say Joby's case,were it was struggling,if its only a deformed fish i find a home anything else i would isolate them and try ever thing i could before adding clove-oil and i use a Strong enough dose so its instant and final........then put in the garden in a Betta cemetery :eek:
Um, maybe just give the ones you dont want to a LFS? Its not fair to kill a fish just because he isnt as pretty as you would have wanted.
Yea, seriously. Seems kindof messed up to kill off healthy fish just because you don't have room or didn't like the outcome; I'm sure if they were dogs or birds or rabbits you'd try and find homes first. But then again, there's millions of those (well, dogs and cats at least) being killed in shelters every year so who knows. I think I'm just terribly cranky this morning.

I reccomend the clove oil as well, if you're going to do it. Alchohol sounds painful, and decapitation...eee... I think I'd be squeamish for that.

You don't cull the fish which dont come out too well?
RandomWiktor said:
Seems kind of messed up to kill off healthy fish just because you don't have room or didn't like the outcome;
The thing is, you generally can't give them to the lfs when they're young enough to remain in a growout tank. You need to jar all the males until they're old enough to give/sell to the petstore.

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