
veen - Archie's fins are pretty bad, too. You can't really tell from the photo, but if you look close you can see black stuff. He was in one of those retarded little plastic cups @ the petstore, and he now has some black stuff starting on the fins.

I nearly chose a different fish - one with sevvvvvvvvveral holes in his fins - but I was afraid he would die if I brought him home to attempt to treat him. He also had scales sticking up, and I was pretty sure he was knocking on death's door. -sigh- The only thing I could do was tell one of the employees about him and they went and whisked him off to the back room. I had tears in my eyes when I left the store, but at least I was able to give Archie a good home!


Oh well, hopefully it's nothing that some good ol' clean water and some meds can't fix.
If you add a timer from your local hardware between the light and the plug, and set a time for 10-12 hrs it will make your life alot easier becasue the light will turn on automatically. :)
its no big deal turning it on and off hes in my room and every morning before school i go through the feeding routine i got so many tanks it takes like 20 minutes to feed al lmy fish :lol: but i love it
lol i think my ct is so active because hes been in a tiny cup at the pet store now hes got alot more room and doesnt know what to do with it :lol:
SRC said:
See the yellow circle..that is why he is flaring..he thinks he sees another fish lol.
Actually... This is a visual illusion. From the outside it seems to be reflecting the betta. But from the betta's point of view it is clear. You can see the betta's actual veiw if you look through the opposite side of the panel that seem's to be reflected. It turns out to be clear. Notice the picture in my signature... it looks like the betta is flaring at its reflection in the panel, but in fact there is a round mirror on the other side... You cannot see the mirror due to this optical illusion, therefore it creates create photography angles. When you turn on the lights and your betta flares... It is probly due to a quick intake of all the colors around it causing it to be aroused. This reaction also varies between bettas.
I'd have to disagree with you to some respect - when you look in at a hex tank, you can see that the sides do in fact turn into mirrors from several angles.

Archie particularly flares at the "corners" of the hex tank because he, in fact, does see himself. I can stand directly behind him and see what he sees - he can see himself - off to the sides (angled sides of the tank). He reacts exactly the same way as if I put a mirror along one of the flat sides of the tank.

When I moved Harvey to his rectangular tank (out of the hex tank that Archie's in now), the flaring decreased significantly.

Although you are correct, when they're looking at a flat sided surface, now that I think about it, he's probably seeing me reflecting in from the side - just like i'm seeing HIS reflection... he does flare at me all the time - so when I see him flare at "his reflection" he's actually probably flaring at MINE.

However, hex tanks are different - they do create reflections.

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