What fish get along well with bettas?


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I am cycling a 10 gallon tank starting today. I plan on adding my male betta to it when it is finished cycling. He is in a 2 gallon fish bowl as of right now. I need some hardy fish to cycle my tank with, but I can't have fin-nippers.

Any suggestions?
otocinclus (otos) and other small fish, neons, microrasboras, possibly killifish like lampeye panchax
The-Wolf said:
otocinclus (otos) and other small fish, neons, microrasboras, possibly killifish like lampeye panchax
Don't otos need very good/mature water? I think they would die if I tried to cycle my tank with them??? :hyper:

I heard most tetras are fin-nippers. Any specific kinds that would do well with the betta?
My zebra danios , and neon tetras did well with my betta. Always add the betta last!

I also have clown loaches however, they need biggerthen a 10 g
I have some zebra danios with my male betta and they get along fine. :nod:
I've heard that cloud minnows, african dwarf frogs, cories, get along w/ bettas

But I heard that neons get beat up by the bettas -_-
bettabub said:
I've heard that cloud minnows, african dwarf frogs, cories, get along w/ bettas

But I heard that neons get beat up by the bettas -_-
I think I will try the zebra danios. They are pretty hardy fish, and if all else fails I can try to put the danios in my 29 if they pick on the betta. :nod:
I personally find that most types of tetras work well with bettas. Neons, however, are sensitive fish and should only be keep in mature water. The slightest change in water could kill them. It happened to me. -_-

Hope this helped a bit! :)

KageBunshin said:
I think Somone should make a stick on this topic since its asked too much.
:nod: Well I pretty much know what fish are okay with bettas, but I wanted a few opinions on which ones would go through the cycle okay.
Danios are fin nippers, a betta no no, I'd stick with white clouds, dwarf frogs, platies, otos. Every betta is different though so you always need to have a back-up plan as far as housing goes. Some won't live with anything others do fine in communities :thumbs:
how about, better than a sticky, someone starts a post listing fish that can go with betta's, and why they can go with betta's, and what other fish/tankmates will go good with your betta's personal attitude....i found a website that put out great info on that...i think i linked it in my "links" topic.

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