New Plakat!


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I got a new boy yesterday. He's a cutie - but tiny. He can't be any older then 5 or 6 months. I got him from a not-so-lfs.

However, the interesting part about this purchase - he's the first fish I've bought since August, at the PNWBS.

Is that a record? -_- I think it must be. :lol:
Where's his picture, and you didn't even tell us what he looks like :kana:

I want more details, and the cure you found to your betta buying you tough woman you :flex: :D
I've been breeding my own, and satisfying my need for new fish that way. :p It's the only cure. That and I stopped buying tanks(for now! :shifty: ), which forces me to think hard about whether I'm going to be able to make room for anyone new. :thumbs:

He's just a tiny guy. And he's still settling in, although he ate immediately and enjoyed it immensely. But he looks like he's green - metallic green :wub: . I don't know if ithe metallic comes from a copper or a platinum, but I like it! He's got a pretty clean body, colorwise, but some red wash in his fins. I'll get a pic next time the BF brings home the digicam from work. :thumbs:
awwww,congrats. I haven't bought a new fish in forever either. The last time I got one was in the summer when I went to Dallas to meet that Gerald Griffin guy. I need to snap out of it because I'm even trying to have second thoughts about going to Houston for the auction on the 12th. I'm thinking "Do I really need another fish?" -_-
But you aren't required to BUY anything at the auction, you could just go and look... :whistle:

:lol: :rofl: :lol: Who am I kidding. All the choices at an auction, you'd have to come home with something.
Congrats on the new guy, can't wait to see his pics. :wub: ;)

I thought I was doing well not having bought fish since November. :look:
Pictures PLease!!!!!!! I love Plakats!! IM getting one soon... I have an empty fishbowl waiting for one right now, but my schedule is too tight due to being a nerd in HS. :hey:
Congrats on the new boy Cation :D

Can't wait to see pics of him

How's the F2 coming along?
Good, joby - I just posted some pictures in their thread. :thumbs:

Well, my new guy's settling in well - he's got himself a bubblenest now, yay!
Here he is...


  • Green_plakat.JPG
    9.4 KB · Views: 19
And another...


  • Green_Plakat_2.JPG
    19.7 KB · Views: 22
He's really flashy, and he's got lots of spunkyness! I might try to cross him with a light female, or just a female plakat. See what I get. ;)
Kelly, this is the boy.... :wub: Just thought I'd bump the thread so you can see who I'm talking about...

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