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  1. kelly528

    Please Read.

    It's hard to tell but I can tell you for sure that bettas cannot be kept with cichlids or barbs and rarely get along with tetras. I'm surprised he isn't shredded to bits by now.
  2. kelly528

    Loach Questions

    Try ID-ing him on loaches online... they have a good pictoral ID thing. We can't be of much help unless we know what species it is.
  3. kelly528

    Fish Suffering At School!

    The deal is this: feeding goldfish to a bigger fish is natural. Killing them in an inch of water is NOT. Feeders die in 7 seconds, while a mistreated fish takes 7 days to die. Big difference. Agreed! You shouldn't have to be the one to literally pay for her irresponsibility. Write a letter to...
  4. kelly528

    Pygmy Cories With Female Betta?

    Cool :) If you planted the tank up you could easily even swing, say, a school of rasboras and a handful of normal-sized cories. Then it would be a full-on community!
  5. kelly528

    Dwarf Gourami Constipated Or Have Swim Bladder?

    Thats a symptom of internal parasites. I'd fill out the sticky in the emergency section and post it if I were you.
  6. kelly528

    Pygmy Cories With Female Betta?

    Depends on the betta. Some of them are really sneaky killers who really know how to pick 'em off without arousing suspicion... trust me! Pygmies are $6 CDN where I am, so I'm afraid to try it buy hey if they're cheap where you're from-- there's only one way to find out! What I can tell you is...
  7. kelly528

    How To Wash My Sand

    Paint filter maybe? Or maybe pour it into a bucket of water, give it a stir and skim out anything that floats. If it's not out of the bag, I would return it and get some pool filter sand. It's way more stable, not to mention cleaner.
  8. kelly528

    Lol! Sake Loves Peas!

    Thankfully, they take a while to rot. Which is why LFS sells them. Apparently they last several months before they really waste away? I guess it depends on species too.
  9. kelly528

    Maybe This Is A Stupid Question. . .

    I believe many species of fish grind their food in their throat, which for obvious reasons reduces the likelihood of choking considerably. Also, I don't think they actually have a windpipe for it to get stuck in (maybe for labyrinth fish). Still, food lodged in the throat definitely spells...
  10. kelly528

    Where Are My Fish Going?

    Not sure about rasboras but endlers can jump. Check around your tank.
  11. kelly528

    Good Dither Fish- Plants Safe?

    Go for barbs... they are quite sturdy and fast (and to my knowledge, carnivorous) maybe some Tiger Barbs would do, they are quite attractive as well!
  12. kelly528

    Fish Dying

    You have to cover the intake of your filter. For a guppy an intake basket should be fine (I'm surprised one didn't come with the filter) or alternately you can tie sponge or even a piece of nylon from a stocking around it. Mesh would also work.
  13. kelly528

    How Often To Change The Filter Cartridge?

    I have just read again somewhere a snippet about only changing filter cartridges when they are really old... Is this true? I have been changing mine (HOB cartridges) monthly as the instructions say but am wondering if they will last longer. What's the verdict?
  14. kelly528


    I got a couple of hitchhiker pnd snails on some plants. There are tons of egg sacs around the tank at any given time, but the population has never gotten out of control. They will eat some species of plants, but not most. I decided to let them stay. I feed any extra babies to my other fish and...
  15. kelly528

    It Grinds My Gears When Fish Shop People Know It All.

    I have seen ich occur pretty spontaneously (my friend's lone betta caught it after 8 months in a goldfish bowl!) so I'm not sure how it enters the tnak sometimes. I have always gotten it from introducing fish from a dirty LFS into my tank. I really don't understand how it seemingly pops out of...
  16. kelly528

    Worms In Tank?

    They sound like Planaria. If you google them you can find out for sure. They are totally harmless and usually proliferate due to overfeeding. If you want to get rid of them jsut reduce feeding and make sure your fish don't leave any leftovers.
  17. kelly528

    Sigh... Another Stocking Question

    2 cories, 2 tetras. Both species MUST be kept in schools of at least 6, IMO. Even then you will be a little overstocked. Remember, you can add more later if this works out but taking them back to the pet store if it doesn't work is going to be a big hassle!
  18. kelly528

    Cory Loosing Its Tail? Not Sure Why

    -QT her so that it doesn't get infected. You can use a rubbermaid bin, a kritter keeper, a bucket... anything that is heated and filtered. -Keep the water a few degrees above normal -Add aquarium salt and stress coat -Feed high-protein foods (live foods or frozen) -Keep the lights off her -Watch...
  19. kelly528

    Help Betta Sick

    Usually you can clear it up by defrosting a pea, peeling it and feeding about half of it to the betta in bite-sized chunks. It's really good roughage and they love them as treats. Usually bloating occurs because betta pellets and flakes soak up moisture inside the betta's stomach and expand. To...
  20. kelly528

    What Do You Have In Your Fish Cupboard...

    -A small trove of heater, filters, plastic plants and filter-wool that I got from a liquidation sale held by a bankrupt big-box chain of pet stores in BC. They were only a couple bucks each but I'll probably never use them. -Nylons for the filter intakes -Strainers for washing gravel & pouring...
  21. kelly528

    What Do People Feed There Bettas?

    -Hikari Betta Pellets -Generic Betta Pellets from a Canadian big box pet store -Sinking Granules that I feed my tropical fish -Frozen Bloodworms -Frozen brine shrimp -Frozen pea (his favorite :) but only as a treat.) -A few baby pond snails -The aphids that live on top of his floating plants...
  22. kelly528

    Cory Loosing Its Tail? Not Sure Why

    We can only help you if you fill this out:
  23. kelly528

    Any Ideas...

    If there are no fish to protest, perhaps you could lower the water level. Or get something for him to rest near the surface on, like a plant, overturned tupperware container, etc... some sort of platform. Also, if you fill out the sticky here
  24. kelly528

    Used Tank Had Been Washed W/soap And Water

    Honestly, I cleaned my betta's bowl with dish soap every week for months before I moved him into his new tank. As long as you rinse it well It'll be fine. If you want to be sure, a good blast of hot water should demolish any lingering soap.
  25. kelly528

    Is Something Wrong With My New Betta?

    Good choice for an aquarium kit! Also, the filter you have is called an HOB (Hang-on-back) filter. You can baffle the flow by tying a nylon around the intake or making a baffle out of a water bottle (you'll have to look that one up. I've never attempted). But the current probably won't be...
  26. kelly528

    Is Something Wrong With My New Betta?

    I'd give him a week to settle in. A lot of bettas are in pretty rough shape straight out ot the fish store because of those timy cups they come in. What kind of filter does the tank have?
  27. kelly528

    Removing Undergravel Filter

    I've never dealt with a biorb but you should be able to just not put it in. You should try posting a question about BiOrbs and maybe you'll get a better response.
  28. kelly528

    Betta With Guppys Or Not

    Bettas with guppies is one thing (worked out for me once), but raising guppy fry is a whole 'nother story. The Betta will wolf down every last baby for sure. Bettas can also eat endlers (found that out the hard way) so that one's pretty iffy. Only try it if endlers are cheap in your area.
  29. kelly528

    Betta Went Ballistic Over Pea!

    Hehe... everyone love peas! Whenever my zebra danios can nab a bit of pea from my betta they dart around with a chunk of pea sticking out of their mouth for 5 minutes before they choke it down lol.
  30. kelly528

    At What Stage Do You Add Plants

    IMO you can add them whenever. Because you will be fertilising them, they won't be solely relying on the 'cycle' bacteria for their nutrients. Also, it is somuch easier to fidget around with the aquascape when there are no fish in the way/ mulm to get stirred up. Good luck!
  31. kelly528

    Adf + Baby Platys

    ADFs are pretty slow on the draw, so you won't ave any problems. With the live plants, your bioload will be fine. Espescially if you plant it some more. I wouldn't add the betta unless you are taking fish out of the tank first. a) The tetras are prone to harassing bettas, espescially when...
  32. kelly528

    Removing Undergravel Filter

    The UG comes separate in the box usually. It is just two plastic screen things that you put in the bottom of the tank. Ir'll be fine :)
  33. kelly528

    Can I Place "dead Coral" In A Freshwater Setup

    From my rudimentary, discovery-channel knowledge of corals, It won't 'spring back to life' of its own accord, but if you put it in with similar corals perhaps polyps will take up residence inthe 'skeleton'. Just a guess. Definitely won't come alive again tho. EDIT: Might make a good decoration...
  34. kelly528

    Can I Place "dead Coral" In A Freshwater Setup

    -I can definitely see it skewing your water parameters pretty severely. -Also, since it is so porous it might get covered in stubborn algae/dirt and that will be a nightmare to remove! -Since they are so 'soft' (in mineral terms), any slight acidity in your water will probably eat away at them...
  35. kelly528

    Worm In Shrimp

    Probably. I'm no shrimp expert, but I'd say stay away from thsoe walmart shrimp! Most parasite-clearing medications will kill inverts so good luck treating those guys!
  36. kelly528

    Advice On African Dwarf Frogs

    Even better, look up some care sheets online. You can get a pretty good idea of what kind of care a species need from these care sheets. They always lay out the temp, pH, tank size, food, etc. Of course, no single one is THE prefect care guide but you can average them out and they work pretty...
  37. kelly528

    What Should I Do

    Well sterilise your tank really well before you start again... dropsy's pretty conagious!
  38. kelly528

    Pros And Cons Of Melafix

    Well, over in the betta forum, there are no pros. Melafix is too strong for bettas. You will want to either dilute it, or go for bettafix. From what I understand its active ingredient is Melaluca (Tea Tree Oil) so I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Hmm.
  39. kelly528

    What Should I Do

  40. kelly528

    Help Please - I've Got Baby Fish

    Livebearers can typically store sperm for up to 3 months, so even if you got all females they could have gotten pregnant in the store. If you want to keep them you will have to separate them from the other fish. Anything, even a rubbermaid bin willl do as long as it is heated and filtered. You...