Sigh... Another Stocking Question


Fish Addict
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'll keep it short and sweet:

Current stocking:

7 Endlers
2 Harlequin Rasbora
4 Black Phantom Tetras
4 Corys (2 Albino 2 Peppered)
4 Apple Snails

Can I add:
2 more corys
4 more corys
2 more corys and 4 more Black Phantom Tetras
4 more corys and 4 more Black Phantom Tetras
4 more Black Phantom Tetras

Thanks! Jonty.
2 cories, 2 tetras. Both species MUST be kept in schools of at least 6, IMO. Even then you will be a little overstocked. Remember, you can add more later if this works out but taking them back to the pet store if it doesn't work is going to be a big hassle!
2 cories, 2 tetras. Both species MUST be kept in schools of at least 6, IMO. Even then you will be a little overstocked. Remember, you can add more later if this works out but taking them back to the pet store if it doesn't work is going to be a big hassle!

BTW I have a 25l tank being set up in 1 month, so the endlers may go in there

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