How To Wash My Sand

hi all i went and got some play sand for the tank today but how do i go about washing it befor it goes into the tank ?

Paint filter maybe? Or maybe pour it into a bucket of water, give it a stir and skim out anything that floats. If it's not out of the bag, I would return it and get some pool filter sand. It's way more stable, not to mention cleaner.
ive put half the bag in a bucket and filled it with wather mixed it round a few bits emptyed the water owt and then filled the bucket back which did make the water cloudy but it settled very quickly
ive put half the bag in a bucket and filled it with wather mixed it round a few bits emptyed the water owt and then filled the bucket back which did make the water cloudy but it settled very quickly
Yeah, you can do it like that.


You can do what I wrote in your other thread, about swirling a hose around in the sand inside the bucket, allowing the debris to over flow out of the bucket.

Its easier to wash a small amount of sand at a time,when you've finally get the sand in the tank after you've styled it how you want it,put a plate/bowl on top of the sand and pour the water on top of the plate/bowl this stops the water kicking the sand everywhere then remove the plate after :)
thanks guys evan though i think ive changed my mind again lolsand just looks to light in my tank think i will opt for black gravel
thanks guys evan though i think ive changed my mind again lolsand just looks to light in my tank think i will opt for black gravel
They make black sand!

Looks amazing! I have it in my 29 gallon tank!


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