If I was new to the hobby, I would definitely avoid using a UGF. Although an experienced fish keeper can deal with the idiosyncrasies of a UGF, it is not a plce where a new person should be starting out. Although I have used a UGF and have the skills to deal with them, I don't like them for my tanks either. I feel much better about using a sponge or HOB or, my personal preference, a canister than using a UGF. Putting all of that aside, if you have no choice, in terms of the costs, you can be successful with a UGF if you are willing to take the time to learn how to work with them. In some ways they are far superior to a HOB or a sponge filter but just require more care to do things right. I like things to be set up so that if I ignore a week or two of filter cleaning , everything will be fine. I do not stress out about any of my regular maintenance but rather consider it guidance to what I should do. That means that I favor methods that are very forgiving if I must miss something in my maintenance routines for at least a little while.