What Should I Do


Mar 8, 2009
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I have no Betta in my tank. so I need some Ideas for a new Betta and keeping him healthy cuz charlie only lasted 2 weeks cuz of dropsy
I have no Betta in my tank. so I need some Ideas for a new Betta and keeping him healthy cuz charlie only lasted 2 weeks cuz of dropsy
Throw me a bone here!

-How big was the tank?
-Was it heated?
-Was it filtered?
-How often did you change the water?
-How much of the water did you change?
-Any tankmates?

Work with me. There is a lot of false information the LFS will sell you so you keep coming to them every two weeks for a new betta. You've come to the right place.
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was the tank cycled ?
water dechlorinated ?
every week I change one third of the water. no tankmates. and it has some of that Betta chlorene stuff in it.
Obviously it won't do any harm to give the tank a good clean, but I had a galaxy rasbora with dropsy recently and was told it was only contagious if it dies and other fish eat it?
I haven't found dropsy to be contagious at all but it is always good to sterilise equipment after there has been an illness.
If you have another fishtank put the filter from your betta tank into a stocked tank with fish, and run it in there to keep it cycled.

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