Where Are My Fish Going?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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I bought 6 endlers and 6 galaxy rasboras almost 6 weeks ago. About 4 weeks ago, I had an ammonia spike and noticed 2 of the endlers were missing, so I put it down to them dying. I never found a trace of them, but they are very small.
I replaced them about 2 weeks ago. Then 1 of the rasboras got dropsy and I had to euthanase it :(
I bought another endler to replace it on sunday, along with 4 cherry shrimp.
On tuesday, I noticed 1 of the endlers from 2 weeks ago has gone missing with no sign again.
Tank is 25l with plastic plants and 1 live java fern attached to a bit of driftwood, a rock with a hole in and sand substrate. There's a sponge over the filter inlet and it has a tight fitting lid. It's at 25C and aside from the spike, ammonia and nitrite have both been 0 every time I've checked. Inhabitants are just the rasboras, endlers and shrimp.
Any ideas what might be happening?
Sorry, forgot to mention that. The tank has a well fitting lid. I did leave it open once before the 1st 2 went missing, but since then, I've only opened it to feed and test/change water and I've never left it unattanded with the lid up. I have cats, so if they jumped they'd be soon gone!
Can't say where they have gone. oh check filter.

But on another note you may want to hold back adding stuff if your fish are dieing randomly
Thanks richard, I'm going to take the filter apart tomorrow when I do the weekly water change. I doubt they're in there because of the sponge over the inlet, but I'm going to check anyway.
I don't want to be one of those people who regards fish as a commodity and just buys more when they die. I think I'm doing all the right things though?
I have lost another tonight-1 of the rasboras. I actually found the body this time. I was expecting it as it has been getting thinner and thinner. I have tried different food and feeding in different ways to get food to it, but nothing seemed to work. Could that have been anything other than lack of food? Fish looked and acted fine, just was very thin. The other 4 are fine and don't look thin at all.
I've posted this to emergencies now, as I've lost 2 more rasboras and now this morning a shrimp :(
I'm just going to check all stats again.
All stats spot on. Here's the emergency thread, if anyone can shed any light, I'd be so grateful.

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