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  1. G


    If you buy your fish from a local shop that has the same type of water as you, then you can float them until the temp is approx the same and put the fish into your tank without shop water. If the shop is some way away and doesn't have the same type of water, then I find it best to slowly mix...
  2. G

    Will My Tank Be Safe To Leave?

    If I had a board the same size or slightly larger than the base of the tank, I wouldn't bother about changing the stand. 1- gallons isn't very heavy and if you did have to move it, then just empty out some of the water, not all of it.
  3. G

    Lights, Action

    Fish normally don't mind the dark, the lights are for the benefit of us so we can see them, or live plants that need the light to survive. If you have no plants, then 4 hours a day is fine.
  4. G

    Will My Tank Be Safe To Leave?

    If you really can't wait for the new base see if you have a strong board that is the same size as the base of you tank. Put this on the stand and then put the tank on that. It will hold like that and there's no stress on the base of the tank.
  5. G

    Pet Smart Not So Smart....

    Oh and what's ICH? Ich is a disease that looks like fine grains of salt on the fishes body. If not treated it will eventually kill the fish. It's one of the most common fish diseases and new fish keepers often come across it when starting their first tank.
  6. G

    Pet Smart Not So Smart....

    First of all, sorry to read of all your troubles. Secondly can I just explain why a lot of fish get Ich as soon as they reach home even if there is no sign of it in the shop. Ich is present in practically all fish tanks, even the most healthiest of them. Transporting fish, the change of...
  7. G

    Ph Problems

    Leave it as it is - most fish will adapt to any ph as long as it doesn't fluctuate. I'm curious, how big is your tank?
  8. G

    Missing Fish....

    It'squite possible that the others ate him if he did die - fish tend to do things like that!
  9. G

    Have I Got Too Many Fish?

    Not only are the balas shoaling fish but the clown loaches are also - both types need more of their own sort to keep them happy and both sorts need a much larger tank that they have right now.
  10. G

    Juwel Vision 180 :: Air Stones Or Not?

    There is no need for an extra airstone unless you want one for show. Also if you're going to have a planted tank, then an extra airstone could actually be a hinderance rather than a help.
  11. G

    Seems Overcrowded...

    I have to agree with all the above, the tank is extremely overstocked now and a lot of her fish are going to get much to big for that sized tank. Please tell her to read up on the basics of fish keeping because it seems that she has no idea what she's doing.
  12. G

    Fishy Questions

    Can you advise the size of the tank as I'm not familiar with the one mentioned. Goldfish, if kept in the right environment can easily live up to 20 years!
  13. G

    New Tank - Ph Whoas

    As you want to deal with marine fish, I thought you might get more info in the saltwater section, so I moved your post there. Gada
  14. G

    All My Fish Are Dying

    I suspect that your tank hasn't cycled. A cycled tank will show a reading of nitrate. Please cycle your tank before restocking. Try reading this for explanations on cycling.
  15. G

    Fish Length

    When calculating body mass for a bioload, the tail is not included.
  16. G

    New Tank - Ph Whoas

    Why do you want to get the ph up? Fish will adapt to any ph as long as it stays stable and doesn't keep changing.
  17. G

    How Do You Dispose Of Your Dead Fish?

    depends on the size of the fish - biggies get buried, little uns get flushed.
  18. G

    Gravel And Fish Problem

    Let's see if we can help you out here. The flicking is most probably due to gill flukes and if the fish flick more when you use the tetra aqua balance, then stop using it. I don't understand why you're not doing regular water changes. 4 weeks without changing the water is far too long. All...
  19. G

    Time Scale

    If your tank was cycled properly, you won't get a show of ammonia.
  20. G

    Is my filter ok??

    I have a juwel 180 and have adjusted the out flow pipe to cascade down onto the surface of the water. It works fine like that. Actually juwel tanks are best for planted tanks, the filtration they use is ideal for plants.
  21. G


    Thread closed - enough has been said.
  22. G

    Do fish sleep?

    Thismight answer some of your questions.
  23. G

    At night

    My large tank is a hub bub of activity at night. My fire eel comes out to play with my plec and featherfin catfish. In the morning there's often a change of scenery where they've moved things around :) My smaller tank is much quieter - everyone's quite still hiding in the plants, trying to...
  24. G

    java moss

    java moss takes some time to establish itself, but once it does, there's no stopping it. How long have you had yours.? BTW, moved to plants - you should get more replies there.
  25. G


    Please don't add any more fish until your sick ones or either cured or dead. Then wait a week or two to make sure the tank is stable and then only add fish slowly. BTW, how big is the tank and what is already in it?
  26. G

    Gold Severum

    he's a beaut - really lovely fish. I bet you're proud of him.
  27. G

    Hello All

    Hi and welcome. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like - we're here to help and advise. :hi:
  28. G


    Hi and welcome. Looking forward to seeing lots of you here. :)
  29. G

    Adding new substrate...cycle again?

    Did you change the whole substrate in one go?
  30. G

    hiya all

    We don't judge members by the amount of posts they have, but what they say in them. We have members that seem to enjoy posting for the sake of posting and others with a low count but always give good information and help. Unfortunately and lot of members equate high posts with knowledge, which...
  31. G

    Ich treatment and catfish

    Moved to emergencies.
  32. G

    Why are my fish so small???

    I don't quite know where to start here. Your fish aren't growing because they haven't got the room to grow. You seem to know that you're overstocked by your remarks. For the sake of your fish's health, prune down the stocking level of your tanks. For starters, plecs, featherfins and sharks are...
  33. G

    Recommend an algae eater please...

    one is enough but first cycle your tank. Don't add him until your tank is fully cycled.
  34. G


    Moved to New World Cichlids - you should get more replies there.
  35. G

    Recommend an algae eater please...

    How about a bristlenose - they grow to about 4-5" and do a great job. Just remember that whatever algae eater you get, don't forget to supliment his diet with other food. Don't be persuaded to get a plec - they get very big and are not suitable for your sized tank.
  36. G

    can a reptile tank be used for fish?

    Reptile tanks are not suitable for fish. They're not waterproof and not as sturdy as fish tanks (the glass tends to be thinner and the sealing isn't waterproof).
  37. G

    So this is why I haven't been around for a while

    :wub: They're both adorable
  38. G

    black ghost knife mates?

    Moved ........again :(
  39. G

    Where can I get some beneficial bacteria...?

    With all due respect, the bacteria on the piece of sponge would most probably die during posting. Keeping the sponge out of water for more than 30 mins will kill off most of the bacteria. The rest will die in the post. Sorry, it's just not worth the hassle.