Ich treatment and catfish

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Both my bigger tanks are showing signs of whitespot and I need to treat them. The catfish themselves aren't showing signs, just other tank members.
The thing I wanna ask is, am I right in thinking I need to do half dose with catfish present? Or can I use full dose? It's the 35g and the 55g in my siggy.
Please lemme know a.s.a.p as I need to get treatment started today. :)
I've used Interpet no 6 for Whitespot and have never had any probs at all ! I have a whole variety of catfish and they've never seemed to suffer any ill effects as a result of the tank treatment.

Ps: I've always used the recommended dose and treatment.
Hope it works - I'd suggest starting treatment on a day you can watch them - if any look distressed in any way, you can take action.

Good luck !
Dammit two of the cats are showing aigns of ich now. The largest is flicking around like he's very uncomfortable and breathing fast. This is day 2 of treatment. The other 2 aren't breathing rapidly although one is showing signs of discomfort. :/
Is there anything else I can do? The poor fella is clamping his fins down and twitching with the irritation. The gouramies are flicking too, which is why I started treating in the first place. But aren't otherwise distressed.
Oh dear :/ just stick with the correct dosage treatment though. Do not be tempted to overdose or alter the application. Don not switch to a different treatment either - stick with what you have started and hope for the best ! :thumbs:

If after 2 weeks there is still no improvement, you can do a massive water change - add some carbon to remove all traces of meds - and try a different treatment.

Good luck.

ps: try raising the temperature to around 29 degrees celsius at the same time.

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