All My Fish Are Dying


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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USA - north georgia
my tank ( the 29 gal) has been set up two months. I had 8 neons, a female betta, a baby angelfish, and 3 siamese algae eaters. All of the fish were happy, full collor swimming around without nipping at eachother. The water and temp were perfect 29f 0 nitrate 0 nitrite the water was soft, and the ph was 6.5 acidity was normal.. The plants in my tank were also healthy, i could tell because they were rooting, and i saw the anglfish uprooting them, so i think im going to take it back to the store.

I was feeding them the average tetra min flake food and i made sure they alll got enough, so i know they diddnt die from no food.

four nights ago, three of my neons died
three nights ago the rest of my neons died
two nights ago no fish died (yay)
last night my favortie betta died and one of my siamese algae eaters died (luckily i took a picture of the girl betta last night)
now all i have is the two siamese algae eaters and the baby angel who also have no signs of disease

can someone please tell me what happened!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want any more fish to die!

ps, any tips on finding dead fish in a planted tank? :-( *sniff sniff*

the fish just go to sleep and never wake up.
dont you hate it what you know your fish died from its own stupidity?
my girl betta shoved her head under a giant 5 pound lava rock...
29f is the temperature.. You mean 29 c? If not that might be your problem.. The temperature is below freezing im amazed your fish lasted this long ok on a more serious note. Have you recently introduced any new fish.. Anything that might give them a parasite. Try keeping the lights off and any light from going into the tank and raising the temp.. Thats what i did when my africans had a parasite.. I wrapped the tank with a blanket and brought the temp up to close to 90F and i save the remaining fish.
I suspect that your tank hasn't cycled. A cycled tank will show a reading of nitrate. Please cycle your tank before restocking. Try reading this for explanations on cycling.
there is no ammonia in my tank and i am preety positive that my tank is cyled, it has been set up for two months and the bio wheel thingy on my filter had brown crud on it. There is some nitrate but not a lot.
How did the neons look before they died, did they lose the colour in the red stripe as though it was bleached out.
I made a 30% water change, and i forgot to say i turned off the co2 in my tank a few days ago just incase that was the problem, but doesnt seem to be.

I think it is probably some kind of weird diseease, because everything is fine except for the fish dying part. I dont know what to do to save my remainig fish.

the neons didnt loose color at all the only one thing i noticed, was that the neons stopped schooling and swam alone before they died....
I'm not sure how to treat them, because i cant get a name of a disease.

I dont think it was the neon tetra disease, because there was no loss of color in the fish. I may have transferred to my other fish because i cant find three dead neon bodies... (gross i know)
Well to lose that many fish there if defiantely something worng, are they gasping or heavy breathing, has any chemicals gotten into the tank, there isn't much to go on at the moment.
I dont think there was gasping..... I put an airstone in the tank when they started dying, i think i will just have to be careful with my remaining fish and watch them, make sure they are OK.
Did you do a fishless cycle or use fish to cycle the tank, if so which fish did you use.
When i first set up my tank, I added plants (two aponogentons from wal mart bulbs) and added four serpaes a week later, which are in a different tank now. Everything went bad two days after I added the neons.

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