Recommend an algae eater please...


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2005
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I just started a 29 gallon freshwater tank. So far I have six mollies and am unsure what kind of algae eater to add. I intend to add 2 African dwarf frogs and plan an eventual total of 12-15 fish altogether(small ones of course). There's just too much info around on the net and in these groups for trying to research an algae eater that I'm going cross-eyed!. So, if someone experienced could be so kind as to recommend something, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
How about a bristlenose - they grow to about 4-5" and do a great job. Just remember that whatever algae eater you get, don't forget to supliment his diet with other food. Don't be persuaded to get a plec - they get very big and are not suitable for your sized tank.
thanks gadazobe.
I searched under bristlenose and liked what i saw. Do you think one is enough or will he need another for company? Also, should I add him immediately or let the tank run with the mollies for a while?
2-3 might be better. I dont think the tank running with mollies will make much of a difference, they should be fine as soon as your ready.
one is enough but first cycle your tank. Don't add him until your tank is fully cycled.
ottos are a great addition to an established tank.

they create just a tiny amount of waste, being so small so they dont overload your tank

they eat a ton of algae, as well as any of the larger algae eaters would

and they're totally peaceful, perfect for a community tank
I would suggest ottos over bristlenose myself, even though I have both :hey:

Otto's do produce a fair amount of waste but BN's produce alot more - as do all pl*cs.

As long as you don't overfeed your fish the ottos will go for the algae more - I personally feed the 22gal bi-daily and 1 algae tab 3 times a week.

For my 22gal I would ideally have 5 or 6 otos but they can be fairly sensitive and I have lost a few recently. Make sure your levels are stable. (I've put my deaths down to a faulty filter).

Good luck in your choices - either are a good investment.

Also, if it's the black hairy algae don't expect either BN's or ottos to eat it - my rams and gouramis go for that stuff sometimes.
only 6 posts and yet 4 different what i mean?
I have decided to go with 4 ottos and a Bristlenose.
How do you guys deal with the waste prodecued by the Bristlenose? and will the African dwarf frogs be in any danger from either the ottos, the bristlenose or the mollies?
Otto's and bristlenose are perfect community fish. Mollies should be fine also.

Depending on your tank size and filteration I would gravel vac once a week.

With these guys don't expect to see them much, even otto's clean in nooks and crannys, obviously you can see them sometimes on the front of the glass but it's more like 'where's wally?'

There are plenty of bn varieties - I can definately recommend the starlight BN, absolutely stunning (lots of others to choose from but I'm bias).

Also, make sure you have enough room in your tank for these new fish - otto's are about 1" each and BN's are usually 4-8" but varies on the species. There are different varieties of ottos too, zebras I believe are nice although rarer in LFS'.
I have 3 ADFs (African Dwarf Frog) in with a few ottos and a clown pleco (and danios and serpae tetras) , no problems here. They all do their own thing without paying attention to eachother too much. If you don't have your frogs yet be SURE that they have webbing on their FRONT feet. My wife thought she would get me another frog for our tank and she was so proud that she found an albino. I looked at it in the bag and told her it was an African CLAWED Frog (ACF). They eat fish and grow to about 6"... definitely NOT a community frog. We took him back to the store that told her it would be fine with our fish and they gave us a refund after I educated the sales people.

I feed our ADFs something by Tetra called "Variety Wafers" they seem to also like shrimp pellets and some flake if the fish ever let it hit the bottom ;)

Good Luck with your setup.

-- itZme
Do you have anything special in the tank for them such as a certain rock or wood they prefer?
Nothing special for them. They hang out on the gravel and just swim up to the surface every once in a while. They seem to like to lay near the plastic plants and just wait until they see food to grab. It's a busy life being a frog.

-- itZme
Any concerns about them climbing out or getting stuck in anything?
Never had one even try to get out. They seem to be happy just laying on the bottom. That tank has a hood but has cut outs for the heater and HOB filter so it's not impossible for them to get out but haven't seen any try it yet. I have had them about 7 months.

-- itZme

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