

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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A few weeks ago i posted a thread about getting two small sized angel fish of my grandads friend. I have now spoken to him and he tells me the reason he dosnt want them is because they are eating all of his fry and neons so they are not being agressive at all. Anyway i said that i would take them of his hands and put them in my 125l tank as they are only small, i know they grow very large as we have a friend who has two very large angels in her tank. Does anyone know how long they take to get full size and would they be ok in this tank for now. What is the minimum size tank for two angels.
Hopefull i will be picking them up on Saturday afternoon. What would be the best way to transport them, a 5 gallon plastic tank , a bucket as im not really sure how big they are, or bag them up (would freezer bags work). I apologise for all the questions but i want to get as much info as i can before Saturday in order to look after them properly. Thanks
Depending on how long it takes you to get from his house to yours, I wouldn't see a problem in using freezer bags. The big ones, like one gallon. I have used them before (actually I use them all the time) and it's fine...Just like what they put them in at the pet store. I've never had a problem using them. Especially if they are still small, it should be fine. Just make sure they are stable in the car and not bouncing around everywhere.

Hope this helps. :look:
Bags are best, the softer sides keep the fish from injuring themselves if they get agitated.

For 2 full grown angels a 29 gallon or larger tank is best, but you need height, as angels age tall fish. 18" is minimum. You can get by with a 20 high for a while, breeders often use them for pairs. That is a bare bottom tank though, with nothing but fish & a couple of slates.


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