At night

with my small tank the more shy fish come out.and there are alot more fights!
with the bigger tank all of the fish seem to slow down,and some rest on the bottom.and the big catfish come out!
im not sure fish sleep though.
most fish get very slow and pale at night
some nocturnal fish come out, like plecos and hunt down there food.

not much to see in my tanks though, as i only have a pleco for night shifts!
Fish don't actually sleep, but many diurnal fish do manage a sort of comatose state (while some never do stop moving, even at night). Nocturnal fish are obviously active at night.
My fish just seem to float in one position. I've noticed my Angelfish floating on their sides and my Tiger barbs seem to float with their heads down.
terrorizes the two cichlids, I may move them soon though

may? Sounds like they'd appreciate moving any time
My large tank is a hub bub of activity at night. My fire eel comes out to play with my plec and featherfin catfish. In the morning there's often a change of scenery where they've moved things around :)
My smaller tank is much quieter - everyone's quite still hiding in the plants, trying to keep out of the way of the chaca chaca
Depends on the type of fish you have in the tank. The more nocturnal ones will obvioulsy be more active and out and about.

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