Search results

  1. F

    The Spawning Tank

    VE's are only good for the first few days. They have very little nutrition. The only reason you use them is they are so small, it gives the new fry something they can eat. It sort of jumpstarts them on feeding on live foods. Microworms are bigger, and have more nutrition. Some breeders have fed...
  2. F

    What Do You Feed Betta Fry

    The egg spray is one of the best fry foods. I like to start the fry on VE's for 3 days, then start the egg spray twice a day. Only give one squirt of the spray, with the nozzle set to fine mist. It doesn't seem like much, but then you see hundreds of tiny particles floating in the water. It can...
  3. F


    Flaring is good for developing finnage, and keeping the rays strong afterwards. However, a Long Finned betta can blow their finnage if they flare too much. The caudal can split between the rays. There are some males that tend to chew their own finnage when they flare for too long of a time. If...
  4. F

    Aquarium Salt

    I treat my Bettas a bit differently if they get finrot. It usually only happens if I have one that bites his caudal, or they get their dorsal caught in the overflow holes in the drip system containers. If I don't start treating right away, finrot can develop. I put about 3 inches of water in a...
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    Suitable Filter

    The longer the lights are on, the faster the algae grows. If the room isn't dark during the day, they really don't need a light. Most of my tanks get the light turned on for a short time each evening, and then turned out for the night when I go to bed. On my drip system, I turn the lights on for...
  6. F

    How Do I Fix This

    If it's not older than 2 years, it probably isn't old age. It doesn't look like finrot. Finrot would have a black edge along the fins, or even red from bleeding. It looks more like stress. What is the water temperature? It could be from poor water conditions, or even parasites from frozen or...
  7. F

    Suitable Filter

    You don't have to use a filter. There is no set way that things have to be done. They are your tanks, and your fish. Different people do things different ways. Whatever works for you. I do more water changes than most people do. On a tank a gal or more, I prefer to have a filter and still do...
  8. F

    Suitable Filter

    If you are going to do water changes a couple times a week, having a small filter in the tank would be beneficial in keeping the ammonia level down. It would take some time before the beneficial bacteria would get to the point to cycle the ammonia, but it does happen. I have several 2.5 gal...
  9. F

    Ohm Male

    Same line. They are actually a turquoise line that carries metallic. This gives them a bluer look. I had 4 siblings that I paired up, and started 2 branches to the line. I now have my first F2 spawn on 1 side of the genetic tree. For now, I'm only working this one bloodline.
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    Ohm Male

    Yes Starry. He is one of the males I raised. He's been sold to a friend on another board. I have a new spawn now of about 175+ fry. They are 4 1/2 days old.
  11. F

    Ohm Male

    Lol..Why would it have a hard time swimming? It doesn't go around with the dorsal and caudal Flared up as it trys to swim. LOl
  12. F

    Ohm Male

  13. F

    Copper Hm Male

    Thanks. He is out of one of my spawns. His parents are sibs to the parents of my Avatar male betta. They all carry the metallic gene.
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    Copper Hm Male

  15. F

    Clear Bodied Marble

    LOl..Grooming..Water changes, water changes, and more water changes. I'm glad you all like him. I thought he had nice form.
  16. F

    Clear Bodied Marble

  17. F

    To Slow Down A Filter...

    I have used regular clear packing tape to cover the slits on the pickup tube. I've covered part of it, which leaves some holes, but the intake pressure is more on these holes. I've covered all of the holes, and then cut the slits with a razor blade. This made the holes smaller. It really slows...
  18. F

    Need Help Wish My New Betta

    It is a fungus. I use Maroxy, since I have it to prevent egg fungusing in spawns. There are stronger meds for fungus, but Maroxy works just fine.
  19. F

    Sick Fish!

    I found that "Quickcure" is the best medicine for Ich. You can even find it at Walmart. It turns the water blue, but doesn't seem to stain other things like some of the blue meds do. It does work extremely well. Usually 3 treatments is all thats needed to see a big difference. I have always done...
  20. F

    Icky Ich.

    I've found that Quickcure is the best medicine for Ich. Usually after the second treatment, the parasites are falling off. I always do 100% water changes. I've raised hundreds of bettas, and the more clean water you give them, the better they do. Even when meds call for multiple treatments, I've...
  21. F

    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    Yeah's me. ;) Seen you have done pretty good this year. Keep it will be givin the big dogs fits soon. Congrats on placing this show. Looks like you had some great competition.
  22. F

    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    Good luck everyone. The next show is the last one of the show year. It is the National Convention close to Philadelphia, PA.
  23. F

    Calling All Betta Breeders

    Here's my fishroom and drip system. Fishroom page 1 Fishroom page 2
  24. F

    Color Question / Genetics

    With the reds, you would get multis and pastels with a lot of red wash. The steels would give some of the same as the male, and probably some steels as well. I know sometimes you have to use what you have, but if you want something in particular, you should try and find those types of bettas and...
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    New Young Breeder

    Thx sukie. I really like him. I'm about to spawn him to 1 of his sibling sisters.
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    New Young Breeder

    Here's a 3 1/2 month old male from 1 of my recent spawns.
  27. F

    Question About Plastic Canvas

    Regular dividers work great. If you order them online, they are not very expensive. Everything you use for raising Bettas should be ordered online. Even with the shipping costs, if you save up and order everything at once, you save a good bit. Heres a pic of a divided tank. It gives each betta...
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  29. F

    spawn or not?

    If there are eggs, they will hatch in 24 -36 hrs. As they start hatching, the eggs will start falling from the nest, and you will see the male retrieving them and putting them back in the nest. I wouldn't spook the male too much, as he might get nervous and eat the eggs, or babies as they hatch.
  30. F

    An Apology

    I want to apoligise for my comments lately. Even though I don't agree with some things I feel is going on, I shouldn't have spoken out. I know I'm feeling stressed from some of my school work, but that isn't any excuse. I know better. Mr Yee, I apoligise for making my comments so strong. Kelly...
  31. F

    My 1st batch red halfmoon babies.

    I guess I'm still sore about vee's US breeder insult that was posted by him before. Since Ive mentioned it more than once, with no apologys coming from him, I don't have much respect for his principles. If he is going to make a statement, then it should be a correct one. Most US people will...
  32. F

    My 1st batch red halfmoon babies.

    Why are you calling them HM babies? There is not one HM in the tank at this time. There may not be one at any time. Breeding 2 HM parents does not mean you get HM babies. There is a good chance the female was not even a full HM. Most females do not get to 180 degrees. If you are going to run...
  33. F

    Brown stuff around female's mouth

    I understand the nickname
  34. F

    Very vicious female betta
  35. F


    OK..I promise. I will not buy a Betta Purse. :rofl:
  36. F

    Brine Shrimp Questions

    I't very hard to get bs to multiply. It takes extreme water changes. They have to have something nutritious to feed on in the water, and their waste dirties the water very fast. Even enriching the bbs takes good clean water on a regular basis. Hatching the bbs is determined by the temp, light...
  37. F

    i feel so

    Females get vertical stripes when they are excited . Horizontal stripes is for stress. 3 months old is old enough to spawn. They actually do it easier than older bettas do, just usually not as many eggs the first time.
  38. F

    OMG please help me!

    The males tail will heal. Keep the water very clean, and add some Melafix to aid in healing. You will need an aggressive male to put with her. Some males are just too nice. This is just a thought, but are you sure she is a she...and not a male plakat? If it is a female, you might consider a...
  39. F

    Taking a break.

    Well thxfornothing, I was referring to experienced breeders, and not to the new breeders who know very little about breeding, but want to act like they know it all. you vee. Like the statement to only buy from thai breeders, because the US breeders will rip you off, or lie to you ...
  40. F

    Taking a break.

    Since my school work is tough on this old guy, I'm taking a break from the message boards. I might stop in to say high, but will not comment much on anything. When it comes to getting information, listen to the wise, and not the new. I hope you all have many spawns, and raise perfect HM's...