Aquarium Salt


Fish Addict
May 28, 2006
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Well my CT male has fin rot and I went to the store and got the aquarium/tonic salt. Now I was wondering when should I do water changes and how long should I keep putting the salt in and everything. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Ok, thanks. I might add it forever since it only cost me $1.32. And it supposedly is like a stress coat and keeps the gills in good health. Is this true?
I don't know what all the salt really does, but I can tell you that my bettas are alot happier since I started keeping salt in with them. All of my males except one bubblenest. The one just has a bad attitude.

I would say that water changes you can do like _cRaCkEr_ said, because I know he knows his stuff.

I personally have been doing 100% water changes on my girl with fin rot every 2-5 days. Usually every 3 days. I think she might finally be doing better now that I put an air stone in with her. But seeing as yours is male, that might not be good...too much current will stress him out.

Good luck! :good: :nod:
Yea, I'll probably do a 100% every 2 or 3 days and whats funny is for my bettas its like the exact opposite for everything I've learned. My male is the one who doesnt mind the current from the filter and the female was VERY unhappy when I put the filter on there so I took it off. I tried to put an airstone in with my female to break up the layer of whatever on the top of the water and the current stressed her out. Its funny I think that they are opposite because when I first put the filter on I was concentrating on how the male was doing and then finally looked at the female and she had stress stripes as clear as could be. Its good I got the salt today because I studied my male DT HM that I got a week ago today(tuesday) and he has a few places on his fins that are starting to develop the black outer edge like they get when they have fin rot. So thanks for the help and I'll repost any progress they make :good:
For my HMs I do 100% water chaneg every 3 - 4 days but for my CTs I do it every week. Then if you have the chance to sun bathe them every morning while flaring (I use a female to flare them) then it will make their tails/fins stronger and their branches will get thicker and I don't use too much IAL.
LOL. I didn't know about sun bathing ;) who knows? I guess some sun is good for anyone.

Just make sure there you do not over-do the salt. How big is his tank? I will only add a sprinkle per gallon, and no more than 1 tsp for 10 gallons.

Most of my juvies had nips and such when I would jar them. 100% water changes twice per week and IAL extract completely healed them up within a couple of weeks! Aquarium salt is useful because it can prevent infection/finrot, but I never used it as it should not be paired with IAL extract, and I never had a case of finrot.
:rolleyes: I love this sun bathing idea....imagine them all on their beach towels in the back garden... :lol:
My little lad got a case of finrot just after I got him. I upped his water temp a little and started adding a small amount of aquarium salt to his water, and a very small amount of melafix.
I was doing about 30% water changes every day, and he came good pretty quick. His fins aren't 100% again yet, but looking a LOT better, he's more active, and is building nests.
I treat my Bettas a bit differently if they get finrot. It usually only happens if I have one that bites his caudal, or they get their dorsal caught in the overflow holes in the drip system containers. If I don't start treating right away, finrot can develop. I put about 3 inches of water in a beanie container, and add 1 tablespoon of aq. salt. After it has dissolved, I put the betta in it for 15 min. This will kill the finrot parasite faster than anything else I can do. Then I put the betta in a beanie of clean water, that has the normal 1 tsp. salt to 5 gal water mixture. I use this on all my bettas. I add melafix, 10 drops to 1 gal water mixture, and 1 mil. of IAL tea. I use a syringe to measure my meds. I personally feel that more water changes is the key to healing any illness, so I do 100% water changes daily on any small container with bettas in them. I re-treat every day until the finnage shows signs of re-growth. If you do more water changes, you will find you have less problems with your bettas. One of the keys to growing out HM's, is to do water changes as often as possible. It only makes sense that if water changes grows better finnage, then water changes should keep that finnage healthy. I rarely have finnage issues, and it is because I put out the daily effort of keeping their water as clean as I can. The only way for you to know this for sure, is to try it yourself for an extended period of time.

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