Icky Ich.


Fish Crazy
Apr 22, 2006
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Snowflake, Arizona, USA
Due to a stupid error on my part, one of my boys has developed ich. I treated immediately with Ick Away and a tiny amount of aquarium salt, and he showed significant improvement, but when I did a 50% water change as the bottle suggested, it got worse. I was very careful to make sure that the new water was the same temperature as the tank water, and I added water conditioner before mixing the two.

I've been treating with salt and Ick Away for the past four days, and it doesn't seem to be improving very much. Did a 100% water change today to see if that would help. He's not very happy. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is there more that I can do?

By the way, he's had a couple changes to his tank lately. My sister gave me some elodia and a snail, which I put in his tank. Could they be part of the problem?
What are your water stats (Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH)? When you added the meds, did you remove the activated carbon from the filter? What is the temperature in your tank?

Never do a 100% water change, they are very stressful for the fish, and rarely do any good. I doubt the snail and plants have anything to do with the outbreak.
I've found that Quickcure is the best medicine for Ich. Usually after the second treatment, the parasites are falling off. I always do 100% water changes. I've raised hundreds of bettas, and the more clean water you give them, the better they do. Even when meds call for multiple treatments, I've found if you treat, then do 100% water change the next day and re-treat, they will heal faster. When you change all the water, you remove floating parasites and any eggs not stuck on the fish. JMO.
The temperature is around 77F, and I don't know my water stats as I have no testing kit. The 100% water change seems to have helped, as the white spots are almost non-existent now.

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