Suitable Filter


Jul 12, 2006
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Miami, Florida
What is a suitable filter for a 1 gallon Betta tank? Thank you.

In fact, if you could tell me exactly what would be good like air pump type etc. that would be great. Im planning on getting a Betta soon :)
the only kind of filter you would need is maybe an undergravel, but i dont even recomend them. just do 2 100% water changes a week and you will be fine.

no air pump needed for bettas they breathe from the surface.
Okay thank you. But I was thinking of getting a filter for it so that it can look as clear as possible :D

And thanks for the info on air pumps ;)

Also, I have another question.

What is a good betta to keep in that tank? A good looking Betta that isn't too expensive.
Well I heard that bettas dont go much on current so I'm going to get my little guy an Elite min for aquariums upto 20litres maybe you should think about that one.
Ebay has them
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any betta will do but for a betta to be happy as possible it needs to be in at least 2 gallons. they can and do live in 1 sometimes less but they dont thrive.

and adding a filter to a 1 gallon would make the water flow to high for a betta to be comfortable, some filters stress bettas and make them prone to ilness. i dont know of any filters for that small of a tank.

if your water is cloudy that means you are overfeeding, feed you betta only what it will eat. that mean you have to stand there and watch it eat each peice of food and then remove any uneaten peices.
any betta will do but for a betta to be happy as possible it needs to be in at least 2 gallons. they can and do live in 1 sometimes less but they dont thrive.

and adding a filter to a 1 gallon would make the water flow to high for a betta to be comfortable, some filters stress bettas and make them prone to ilness. i dont know of any filters for that small of a tank.

if your water is cloudy that means you are overfeeding, feed you betta only what it will eat. that mean you have to stand there and watch it eat each peice of food and then remove any uneaten peices.

Bucky, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. :D Cyanide, my red and white VT boy, hated being in my 5 gallon and 2.5.. he likes to patrol and he would constantly do laps, and it actually got to the point where he started getting skinny, as he was using more energy than he was getting from food. He's now in a 1 gallon critter keeper and as happy as a bird, with a nice big bubble nest and everything. He's "Thriving" :p

I do agree on not having a filter on a 1 gallon though... I haven't seen any small or gentle enough to trust in a 1 gallon without it pushing the betta about. Its easier to just not have a filter, put some Java Moss in there, and then I usually 50% water changes every 3rd day with a 100% change on the 3rd time. so... 1 2 3(50%) 4 5 6(50%) 7 8 9(100%) Doing that the water has stayed within optimum range of safety. ^_^
Okay thank you for all the replies! I will try and get a 2 gallon so that it doesn't waste too much energy nor be disturbed by a small filter.

Thanks babybell911 I will definately have a look at that.
You dont need a filter at all even for a 2 gallon, If you're concerned about the water not being clear you just need to do a 100% water change once or twice a week. The water will remain clear because bettas arent very messy so they dont screw up the water much at all. I have a filter for one of my 3 gallons and i think its kind of (for lack of a better word) dumb to put a filter in anything less than 3 gallons because its so small you should be doing 100% water changes once or twice a week anyway so that should keep the water in good condition and a filter can and probably will have too much current for the bettas to handle. I had a filter in my females 3 gallon but the current stressed her out too much to the point where she wouldnt eat so I had to take it out and I just increased water changes, she's fine and more happy without the filter. You can get a filter but I wouldnt recommend it for anything less than a 3 gallon.
well i do keep my bettas in 2 gallons when they are condidtioning. i didnt mean to make it seem like 1 gallon is bad, i just wanted to say 2 is better than 1. thats what i meant and still sometimes some fish like the 1 gallons and some dont.

I was thinking, how many hours a day are the lights supposed to be on? 12 hours a day?
If you are going to do water changes a couple times a week, having a small filter in the tank would be beneficial in keeping the ammonia level down. It would take some time before the beneficial bacteria would get to the point to cycle the ammonia, but it does happen. I have several 2.5 gal tanks, and I keep a large hydro sponge filter in them. In smaller tanks, I made my own small sponge filters from the center pieces that were cut from the inside of the hydro filters. To control the current, just put a air valve on the line, and you can turn it down to a bubble a second if you want. Some bettas actually like a small current, while others prefer none at all. If the current is set to match the tank size, there is usually a spot in the tank that has calm water for the betta to rest.

Saying all this, I still prefer to do more water changes even with the filters in the tank. All tanks smaller than 2.5 gal get daily 100% water changes, and the 2.5 gets 75% wc every 3 days. I rarely have any issues with finrot, and practically never have a sick betta. Parasites from food being the only thing that happens occasionally. Clean water keeps the Betta from stressing. Stress brings on most illnesses.

I have 2 small betta tanks with 1 female in each at the moment. I have a 5 gallon and a 3-4 gallon critter keeper---they each get 100% changed every 3-4 days, the reason why I don't have a filter in mine are that we will be moving shortly and when I do cycle my betta tanks I will use bio-spira to start it going--just didn't want to waste the money now and then later.
Okay so I was thinking about getting a 5 gallon tank ...

Now I am confused on the filter thing .... do I or do I not get one? I will do water changes regardless.

And anyone that can answer the questions about the lights?

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